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[Siren War] Sixth Contact: Rising Rebellion

41.2k ShinyGemsBro  29 days ago

== Siren War ==

Sixth Contact: Rising Rebellion

Cue music as you read

Over the following weeks, a lull in the war for Earth brought relative peace for mankind. Though short lived, world governments left nothing to chance. With this, the most brilliant minds of the scientific and military world came together to formulate and build new technology dedicated to countering the Siren threat. The extraction of vast knowledge and information contained within the Wisdom Cubes gifted by the Watcher Sisters to mankind, research and development of such counters had dramatically been accelerated. Though far from perfect, it would give Earth and the Watchers a guaranteed step up for the planet's defenses.

Though the means of construction and engineering were unconventional, as humanity was essentially building tech from alien schematics, the materials for such plans were readily available; as the blueprints found within the cubes used alloys and compounds for production are already found in abundance in Earth, and the nearby asteroid belt of it's Solar System.

Those who have been around popular culture had immediately recognized these schematics gifted to humanity by the Watchers. And they too had admitted that they had taken cues from works of fiction made by man; essentially turning them into real, functioning models with their expansive knowledge of advanced engineering and use of advanced technological marvels only found in their distant homeworld of Nohatania.

The progress for making these miracles have their physical manifestations had been steady over the weeks of quiet. Though it would yet again be slowed down.. as a new threat had touched down on Earth's waters, along with the beginning of a powerful ally's journey to the aid of her family, and the race they have sworn to protect with their lives.

now listen to me

0815H. Raid warnings would blare across the Republic of Krakabloa. Both national and stationed forces went into full alert. The threat: An Arbiter Siren.

Thanks to the ER-7 Overseers developed by the Gilead Federation, and fitted with a special warp detection sensor; the schematics of which having been extracted from Watcher Theta's Wisdom Cube, the defenders were able to scramble forces fast enough and in adequate numbers to meet the incoming threat. Though this threat was unlike the conventional and Arbiter Sirens they had faced before..

A new Arbiter had entered Federation Waters in search of the Watcher Sisters. Identified by allied radar as "The Empress", made possible yet again with the aid of information taken from the Wisdom Cubes brought by the Watchers to mankind.

News had spread that the West Coast of the United States was wiped out by one Siren with extreme capacity for destruction. Lining up with the descriptions taken from witnesses along with the detailed characteristics of the information from the cubes, The Empress was no doubt the very same perpetrator who attacked the western world alone. And she had now made first contact with the Federation of Atlantic Island Nations, along with it's allies.

As allied airpower led by the TFMGAC's 173rd Combat Wing closed the gap between them and The Empress for an intercept, the lone Arbiter began to morph itself to a different shape, revealing a glowing weapon hidden below it's deck. The Empress would quickly charge this weapon, aimed at the island. And with one bright flash, a beam of black and blue energy would erupt from the bow of the Siren, followed by a wailing, crackling scream that gradually grew in volume and magnitude..

The port town below the Isle of Yeager was directly hit by the beam of energy fired from The Empress. With one single strike, an entire settlement had been wiped from the map. No man, woman, or child had escaped alive. More than 4000 residents of the coastal town, robbed of their very existence, in a second.

As the flames of annihilation began dying down, MRNS Musashi of the former Monarchii Royal Navy, stood vigil,at guard of Krakabloa's southern waters. With the Watcher sisters occupied in their global raids on Siren naval bases and outposts alongside the Tactical Forces Navy's Blue Steel fleet, and the Wright Navy, she was the sole battleship defending the Republic's seas from The Empress' assault.

Though she may be the sole battleship in the Federation's waters, she was not the sole capital ship. West of the Isle of Yeager, MRNS Tsuchii Yuusha was on combat alert, and immediately scrambled her naval fighters to aid the defending forces against The Empress' attack. Her battle group firing salvos of missiles against the Arbiter, albeit to minimal effect.

Musashi and Yuusha would once more fight together as they had before the dissolution of the Monarchii, now against a threat not to their former nation, but to the very world, and waters they call their home.

It did not take long before they realized the lone Arbiter wasn't alone at all. Strategists appeared alongside upgraded D-8 King fighters of the Siren invasion forces, summoned by The Empress to further cause havoc to the island of Krakabloa in order to lure the Watcher Sisters into returning for a confrontation, and leaving their raids to allow the Arbiters and Hive Sirens to recover from the rebel siblings' relentless strikes.

*Being at the forefront of Krakabloa's air defenses, The 173rd Combat Wing and their squadrons of air superiority fighters began their dance with death against the King starfighters of the Siren horde. Many of the Yellowtails would fall to the increased lethality of the upgraded D-8 spacecraft, but stood a very good chance at survival due to the excellent maneuverability of their frontline combat aircraft, and the skill of their pilots, who had learned from previous encounters with their airpower.

Losses mounted on both sides, but the 173rd's air superiority fighters proved a challenge even for the upgraded D-8 Kings of the Siren forces. Their agility hidden by their deceivingly large airframes. The King fighters would resort to unconventional tactics, only to be tailed and re-targeted over and over by the tenacious pilots of the Screaming Yellowtails; landing unexpected, or even what was outright thought impossible kills upon the King fighters, considering they have countermeasure modules that render them almost immune to all contemporary weapons employed by the modern world.

Strategists attacking the nation with their drone fighters would also fall victim to harassing strikes by the fast and agile Yellowtails, with some being slowed down just enough to be peppered by anti-aircraft gunfire and surface-to-air missiles.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by their comrades, The remaining airpower would mount an unrelenting strike against The Empress. F-22E Shadow Raptors would grab the attention of the Arbiter's weapons, while attack jets would swoop in from the sides or behind; firing rockets and raining automatic cannon fire upon the alien warship. Though it had little effect, it served to push the vessel enough that it wouldn't enter too deep into Krakabloa's territory.

Right as the intensity of the assault on Krakabloa began to rapidly increase, multiple contacts on ER-7 radars began appearing over the skies of the volcanic nation. But they had not been identified as hostile. Instead, they were friendly.

These unidentified contacts would emerge from hyperspace tunnels in swarms, and immediately after their entry into Earth's atmosphere, began attacking the Arbiter's forces, quickly neutralizing the hordes with horrifying precision and speed, and flying alongside damaged allied aircraft to guide them back to land safely, speaking in perfect English through the intercoms.

These unknown friendlies would make quick work of the invading Strategists, their mini drones, and surviving D-8 Kings as they ravaged their numbers by the dozens, discouraging continued assaults on the volcanic nation, and preventing the attackers from feeding more to the unexpected onslaught. As the chaos died down with the mass forces, the swarms began directing their attention to The Empress, changing their heading and diving towards the Arbiter, who, now, was legitimately alone, and without support or units to give orders to.

Having no King fighters or Strategists to cover her, The Empress fell victim to the unending strafing run of the fighter swarms. Their pulse phaser cannons pelting the lone Arbiter's armored hull with superheated bolts of energy, chipping away at her hull's strength and integrity. The Empress would wildly fire back, but the fighters would easily evade her fire with their agility; the level of which, is unreal. Even for the newer D-8 models.

The Arbiter warship would ultimately be forced to escape Federation Waters after suffering a near critical loss of hull integrity from barely withstanding a maelstrom of heated phaser fire.

The skies over the Federation would once again clear as yet another major threat had been pushed away. The moment both the heavens and seas calmed, the swarm fighters who had aided the allies made first contact with humanity, transmitting a message in the common tongue of their identity; The Daughters of Lambda. with them, they bear news that further gave hope to all of humanity for the future:

The Siren Rebellion stands with Earth, and it's wonderful people.

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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro



    Pinned 29 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro
    Pinned 29 days ago
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    62.0k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro a little brainin and some bored think, i think that maybe, in a scenario, Exoculo was planning to attack a naval base but as it happens, Theta was around and managed to catch up to repel Exoculo or sumnth, a little dialogue i wanna slip in is "ATLEAST I'M NOT A HYPOCRITICAL SELF-RIGHTEOUS PIECE OF SH!T THETA!! AND IF I'M GOING TO DIE, THEN I'M GOING TO DIE HONORABLY!! AND WHAT HONOR DO YOU HAVE!? NONE!!! ONLY ONES BY THEM!!!", and in her final stand, "if this is my last stand, then so be it, LOAD THE GUNS, FULL OVERCHARGE, BLAST THE BARRELS!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"("overcharge" refers to packing the gun with more propellant charge to boost its range and consequently its penetrative capability, however, since it affects the barrel life and in most cases "plunging fire"(the shell penetrating the thinner deck, rather than the thick belt) is more preferable, not many battleships have the capability for it, some examples include the HMS Vanguard and i think its either the R-class or the Queen Elizabeth-class Dreadnought post-ww1 refit...? i forgot which one but anyway the main aim for overcharge is to increase range but as a side effect it increases penetrative power too since now it has more energy oh god im rambling too long aaaaaa), anyway, tomorrow im going back to study again so im gonna be off for a while, cheese :3

    26 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    A battleship v battleship is alot more classic and iconic
    A missile cruiser v battleship is a whole different flavor
    Either way is your choice. But personally speaking, Theta v Exoculo will be more legendary

    26 days ago
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    62.0k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro perfect fit it is then XD, though.. now I face a dilemma, cause while I planned initially for Exoculo to fight Theta.. I kinda want her to fight Gamma now but the synergy is very off with her being just a modernized battleship(think of like, late-refit Iowa's) and Gamma being the powerhouse she is XD

    26 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    Gamma's not angy
    She's just beeg literal tough girl who does man things
    And throws hands with the nearest serviceman just cause she just can

    26 days ago
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    62.0k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro I feel like Gamma would match Exoculo's energy of just being angily angy lmao

    26 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    Theta = I fear toasters
    Gamma = Hungover for the 5th time in a single day

    27 days ago
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    62.0k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro holy fck they go hard

    27 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    I'll hold you to these.
    I have a good feeling the Sirens you have planned will be fantastic for the war.

    Theta Artwork

    Gamma Artwork

    +1 27 days ago
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    62.0k Monarchii

    I actually kinda have three sirens I wanna make, which soon if ever when I get the time I'll make, for short, namely..

    • Apocrypha; based on the German Type XI Cruiser Submarine; special abilities coincide with name which is "unless believed to be true and existing, she does not exist, but also, if she believes that you don't exist, she will not materialize", making her a tricky enemy to fight; her stance is more with the siren, although being timid, she does not engage in surface combat but rather merchant raiding.

    • Exoculo(Latin : Eye that is taken away); based on the late refit of the Fusō-class Battleship; name coincides with the fact that she is "decommissioned" by the Sirens, making her exclusively one of only few sirens that does not possess the Siren's advanced technology, she only patrols around aimlessly and occasionally moors herself to perform self-refit/repair with the equipments taken from salvaged earth warships; her stance is that of a complicated nature, as she both hates the Sirens and Humanity, however(if implemented into the siren war), after her battling Theta and losing it, she was heavily damaged, and with some bargaining, Exoculo agreed upon a condition that in exchange of her being repaired and occasionally resupplied, she would be neutral towards humanity since she would not need to raid merchant ships for supplies for her.. "prized crews"(basically uhh.. abducted crews from ships she sank something something is the idea)

    • Incogitabilis(Latin : Inconceivable, Inconsiderate); based on the late refit of the Ise-class, specifically the Aviation Battleship refit; name denotes her special ability, being mostly invincible against visual measures and sensors, but not against Radars and other methods of perceiving objects; her stance is of course, with the sirens, she is one of the "higher ups" and is responsible also for Exoculo's "decommissioning"

    sincerely is my idea for now lmao

    +1 28 days ago
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    14.9k windshifter1

    Insanely good

    29 days ago
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    Arbiter: The Empress isn't totally defeated yet. She will get her revenge.

    Also, will Observer and purifier come back, and if so, when?

    29 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    We'll find out in time.

    29 days ago
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    8,315 BlinIndustry

    I curiously wonder do the Sirens have ground forces or they will just fly and sail around and boom boom?

    +1 29 days ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Man
    That's cool but at the same time it's kinda scary lol

    29 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    What makes it fun is that Theta legit saw the Star Wars movies and calculated that it was 100% possible to make the fictional starfighters real and functional. (Considering that SIREN engineering makes it possible, not the current level of human engineering)
    So she casually drew up a blueprint for both iconic combat craft, showed it to the big companies, and they all couldn't believe both were completely feasible.

    29 days ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Aight then, that makes sense
    Besides, TIE Fighters are still futuristic here so they should have an advantage :D

    +1 29 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    Lorewise Reply:
    The Watcher Sisters intend for mankind to figure stuff out on their own, wanting them to technologically advance with their own two hands, and only receiving necessary guidance from them. They want Earth to advance under their own volition so they would be ready for the far beyond with their own strengths.
    In short, Theta and her siblings are letting humans learn by themselves. They already fed them what they need to know. The X-Wing and TIE-LN built have Siren components, but built by human hands. They'll know what to do overtime.

    Author's reply:
    I've yet to find a good TIE Interceptor build that has friendly performance cost and reliable flight model. I'll ask if I need a recommendation. But for now, I can handle it.

    +1 29 days ago
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    Man that was intense

    Though uh you might wanna use TIE Interceptors over TIE Fighters, from my experience (of watching Star Wars) TIE Interceptors often perform superior to TIE Fighters, but I guess anything works lol

    29 days ago
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    10.1k Vikram123

    you have good editing skills

    29 days ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro well, you did a great and amazing work

    29 days ago
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    The Tsuchii Yuusha supercarrier can actually being the mobile landing platform for the allied squadron, especially the TMF air force

    29 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    @LunarEclipseSP That's why I tagged him on this
    And might want to read through cause you have two features here.
    (And I fucking took so long to make everything-)

    +1 29 days ago
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