How do you make a delta wing aircraft that has no horizontal stabilizer fly good?
I'm having trouble with my current build as its flying like a freaking brick.
Need help
22.6k foury
5 months ago
How do you make a delta wing aircraft that has no horizontal stabilizer fly good?
I'm having trouble with my current build as its flying like a freaking brick. the good one it can even do flat spin
what you can do is separating the control surfaces from the actual wings. i have a lot of delta planes that works amazingly if you want to see what i mean. you can even demember them if you need. then you will need to make the Mass center near how you need to lift center
Delta wings on SP dont function that good, try hiding one using XLM
Idk I just wing it (get it wing it, like deta wing)
Just tell me how should i improve it
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer Yeah
Mind if I try it? I think I can help