I was sailing a submarine near the USS Beast, and it said “Ye have made a grave mistake”, but I wasn’t even close to where the Brown Pearl sails, has this happened to anyone else
I was sailing a submarine near the USS Beast, and it said “Ye have made a grave mistake”, but I wasn’t even close to where the Brown Pearl sails, has this happened to anyone else
@ShinyGemsBro I’ll try and get proof
Unless you didn't pick up what I'm trying to lay down, what happened to you never happened to anyone else.
So either you made this up or your game's broken.
@ShinyGemsBro Hmm, that’s plausible
The USS Beast must have gone so far off-course that it somehow triggered the Brown Pearl spawning for you to be sailing next to it.
And it never spawns unless someone enters the trigger zone which is far west of Wright.
Either you're lying or something happened to your game cause no one's reported that happening as far as I know.