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This is a long shot, but...

331 Solanum57  24 days ago

I <i>think</i> that one of the possible reasons FOXG may have left is because the newest version of SP literally <i>cannot<i> run their builds, as in, they load just fine in the editor, but immediately cause the game to freeze the moment any movement input is added. Physics engine glitch?

Here's a GIF to demonstrate:

(Link to gif if it doesn't show:

In that one footage, I loaded in their build, and it immediately went black the moment I hit yaw. Now, the reason I believe the physics engine is to blame is because I tried out this same build some days back on the latest version of SP and I saw the speed indicator literally reach over 6 digits.

Now, a bit of a disclaimer, this is just my 2 cents. I may be absolutely incorrect and the physics issue may be irrelevant to FOXG's departure/disappearance from the community, and I'm not interested in starting anything wild or whatever.

Well, if you're already reading this part, thanks for your attention. Sorry if I somehow seem obsessed with this lol but this idea popped into my head when I remembered I was still running version (the latest old version before the current build) so I thought to share.

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    331 Solanum57

    @Marulk Ah... ffs... I just remembered something.... Didn't they have a YT channel?

    +1 7 days ago
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    @Pakkoyan 🤔

    +1 23 days ago
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    331 Solanum57

    @Pakkoyan Yeah, um... sorry but that isn't true. @ricesplashwater themselves said so here:

    +1 24 days ago
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    34.5k Marulk

    FoxG is back as @ricesplashwater btw

    24 days ago