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Bomb Drop Order?

30.4k ChiChiWerx  6 months ago

Anyone know for a build carrying multiple bombs, i.e., when building a bomber with an internal bomb bay, how do you determine which bombs fall first and in what order?

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    226 Akashenik

    With my knowledge, for player controlled crafts (e.g. the craft you load into the runtime with; cause for some reason the same craft spawned with AI control blows themselves up), ordinance order is based on the X-axis proximity to the "primary cockpit" such that the closest activates, then the next closest, etc. If there exist two x values of the same distance, the order will depend on the order of connection (will go into later).
    In the designer, parts can have coordinate positions more precise than the 4 digits using the standard part transform tool; using the xml overload tool will allow you to see (and edit also) the true position values. (I'm saying this, as part positions may appear the same with only 4 digits, but are in fact different, and can cause a perception of pseudorandomness.)
    In the case all x value distances are the same, the order of activation is based on the order of connections, which can be found in the xml file (or in the connections list in the in-game UI; though for me looking at the file is easier, and it also has the benefit of being able to edit it directly). These connections are created and listed in the chronological order of when the connections are made. For larger crafts there will be a lot of connections not associated with ordinance, so it may be easier to detach and reattach parts in the order you want, directly in the designer.
    This information is for static loads, I don't know how revolving deployers are affected.
    Hope this helps.
    Sidenote: When I was too lazy to mess with coordinates (~55 Boom50s; I can probably fit double that but didn't cause lag), I just used a vertical ordinance deployment arrangement.

    one month ago
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    That's the neat part, you don't
    But now that i am here, I might cook up something

    6 months ago
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    51.6k ShinyGemsBro

    Long way to do it is have every hardpoint/detacher set to one AG but with calculated delays.
    Ex. 1st pair of hardpoints will go first, then after two seconds, the pair behind it activates, so on and so forth.

    6 months ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    @Randomplayer In that case it would be based off PartID, which makes sense. It's also how cameras are ordered.

    6 months ago
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    15.0k Randomplayer

    Did some tests. It’s just random, I did get some results. If 2 bombs are equal distance from the cockpit ( cockpit in the middle surrounded by 2 bombs) it’s the first one you place with falls first

    6 months ago