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Way to automatically trigger FireGuns?

346 Solanum57  6 months ago

Is it possible to make something like a variable, FT, or etc. that could trigger the FireGuns input? Or is it simply just not possible? I was thinking more like how you could set a Missile or other parts to activate when a target enters a specific range and I wondered if it was possible to somehow rig a Gun to automatically fire the same way.

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    346 Solanum57

    @PlaneFlightX Well, that's too bad. I've been wanting to see if could find a way to get my turret planes to simply fire guns the moment they select a target to make them feel like boss enemies in AI dogfights.

    6 months ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    Adding on to what @BaconEggs said, you cannot use variables to directly manipulate any of the standard inputs (examples include Throttle, VTOL, Trim, Pitch, Roll, LandingGear, etc). You can use cockpit controls like yokes, levers, and switches/buttons to control these, but not variables themselves. Unfortunately guns do not have an inputController you can write FT in, so TL;DR you cannot auto fire guns.

    +1 6 months ago
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    139k BaconEggs

    unfortunately no

    +3 6 months ago