I was trying to get reshade working and I got it to work but don’t have good presets.
Do you have any good ones?
You could send me the file for it but I would prefer a list
I was trying to get reshade working and I got it to work but don’t have good presets.
Do you have any good ones?
You could send me the file for it but I would prefer a list
@crazyplaness oh ok
@upperflat I can curate planes
what meaning of green number on you name
green flag moment
@TheMouse wait really?
@crazyplaness oh, since when we have curators back? I missed lot her biy 💀
@TheMouse he has reached all superiority, above all gold ranks he has become an emerald rank, only given to him
@CaptainNoble I can curate planes now so I get a different color point counter
@MrCOPTY yes
Are you curator?
Why is your points counter green?
Do you want to take a bus uniform