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Help needed with Autoaim codes and Joystick bases

94.3k winterro  5 months ago

so, i ve been working on aim assist on my starscream, but encountered a major roadblock.

So, why joystick bases? When stacking hinges, a hinge becomes exponentionally weaker the more parts get attached to it. Now try to apply that to a transformer who has to fly around at mach one and pull 10+G turns. It will turn into a spaghetti mess. SO this is where joystick bases come in. Joystick bases strength can be adjusted using XML, thus removing the dreaded wobble. and so, make it rock-solid.

Theres just one problem....








As for my research, i found that joystick bases take inputs a little different, i do not know how, codes on their own works just fine. Add whole lines of it, and you'll get a huge problem.
So ive been experimenting for the past month to get it to work, I made a working prototype that functions absolutely perfect, it works so good infact, it hits the cockpit of the target every time.

(Mind this prototype was made functioning on joystick bases)

Then it was time to put it on starscream.

Well one guess what happens next?

It doesnt work!

Aims inverted

inverts the direction

Now it just crashes the game

Like seriously?

Anyway, can anyone help me with this before i 3dprint a joystickbase and blast it with a home made nuclear bomb?

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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    p.s.s. take a resizable wheel, xml edit its scale (in Part tab) to 0.1,0.1,0.1 and size (in ResizableWheel tab) to 5 (or more). Set a name to the Forward Slip variable output of that wheel then connect it to a piston to go up or down. Place that as an subassemble on any simplistic car (wheel rotation gotta be 0,any number,0 for best result). Hit play and debug function clamp01(rate(name)!=0). Play with a piston a bit, check how function changes from 0 to 1. Wonder what the hell it all means. (contact sensor receipt from chef)
    upd. i forgor. Set the suspension on wheel part to true for the exploit to work

    5 months ago
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    94.3k winterro

    @Grob0s0VBRa thank you, I’ll try that

    +1 5 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    I set another variable for the aim...
    sum(speed * clamp(TargetSelected?code: var. name,-1,1))
    If things rotate in wrong direction change j. base axis or put minus before code
    p.s. j. base and rotators can be connected to one the same part - it allows to use variable output of rotators, same with suspension part
    upd. there should be an deltaangle(code, var. name) instead of clamp ( i used clamp with flight computer mounted on a turret)

    +1 5 months ago