Morning fellas!
I'm going to walk you through on basically how I make my airliner fuselage because, why not?. Sit tight
Step 1: Making a single section
Get a Hollow fuselage block and the blueprints for the Airliner
-Get the exterior fuselage width of the airliner in real life, scale the fuselage block accordingly.
-Place the fuselage against a passenger window on the blueprint.
-Adjust the length of the fuselage piece so that it perfectly covers the window.
-Adjust the bottom fill of the fuselage piece so that it reaches just about where the floor of the cabin will be.(This will require some pretty good estimation skills, I'd suggest you just calculate the cabin height or confirm from any other source)
Step 2: Carving the section
-Add sections to both the front and back of the fuselages, these sections must be half the distance between the window we used and the next windows.
(NOTE: Ensure our original fuselage is held in place so that it does not slip away)
-Go ahead and edit the bottom fill of the middle fuselage (Original) so that it aligns with the top of the pax window
(I know it isn't exactly perfect but you get the gist)
-Add another section of the same length and previous bottom fill, edit the top fill to fit the window.
-Use another fuselage piece to shape the window
Step 3: "Interiorizing" the section (WARNING: If you have potato device, take a U-turn)
-Add a section to any of the two previous fuselages that were added to be half the window distances
-Make this new fuselage a non-hollow piece, adjust the top fill to make a floor.
-Make it the length of the entire section, get it to the middle.
-Head over to the cockpit interior section, take a basic seat and scale it up appropriately
Step 4: Multiplying the section
-Save the section as a sub-assembly create a train of sections, as many as appropriate.
-Fill up the bottom part with another fuselage section
Step 5: Customization
-This step is entirely up to you, you can choose to customize the interior or exterior with stuff like interior carpets, overhead compartments and emergency doors (though some people don't do doors, that's a huge "ew brotha ew" for me, lol)
You might also want to carve some cargo doors in it
credits: Weather mod by MisterT
GIS Test by Creat
@CaptainNoble ah, sorry for the misunderstanding 😅
@126 i meant "your welcome"
@CaptainNoble is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult, not mad, just wondering lol 😂
@126 🙃
ty noble :D
@DumbPlaneMaker that would require left and right filling, which wouldn't work unless the window is exactly at the center.
Nice tutorial. You can also make the parts of the fuselage above and below the windows in 1 piece and, according to my unreliable math, do it in half the part count