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12.5k Talon7192  15 days ago

Aint he cute?

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    27.3k 126

    @Talon7192 uhhh?

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    @126 oh by the way the way is by

    15 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @LM0418 same, i have 2 cats, one yellow cat i named nugget, and a grey one that my father decided to call kubil (don't ask what that means lmao)

    +1 15 days ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    I’m a cat person too!

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    Oldest is nearing 7

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    Shortest one has lived is four but that was cause of cancer

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    Surprisingly house isnt huge but its not tiny

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    Cats live very good

    15 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    @Randomplayer i have 11

    15 days ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    Your cat?
    I love cats

    15 days ago