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Swiss papers, Otesk War week 15

19.2k KPLBall  15 days ago

Aug 29th, 1933
In Europe polish PZL-24s have been carrying out strikes on Russian bases, the Russians have no aircraft that can stop a PZL-24 Bomber, so they try to ram them, it fails, horribly.

(A PZL-24B bombing a Russian Naval facility)
In Brazil, Brazilian Swordfish MK1s have been rushing Spanish ships, this time SNS Loro has been caught in the crossfire.

(SNS Loro after being torpedoed by a Brazilian Swordfish MK1)
In Nepal, A Spanish Madrid class carrier has docked in a Italian Colonial City captured by the Spanish, the Nepalese know this is bad so they send an operation, Operation Morning Star, Operation Morning star had NB.1s and NB.2s tearing enemy positions to shreds, one of those positions was the Madrid class "Andorra City". The first attacked failed so the Italians used old PZL-2s to sink the carrier, it worked.

(Picture 1: First attack, taken by a civilian boat, Picture 2: a PZL-2 getting caught during the blast from the Ammo of the Andorra City detonating)
Finally West Chinese P-40E-1s have been fighting captured P-36As feilded by the Japanese.

(A P-40E-1 destroying a P-36A)

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    Pinned 15 days ago
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    4,663 JABH

    @KPLBall ye thx

    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @JABH soon ma fren soon

    15 days ago
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    4,663 JABH

    When will the plane I dedicated to you appear? 🥺

    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Kinda XD

    15 days ago
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    @KPLBall Yoooo let's go!!!!
    They're gonna suffer from CAS spammers though aren't they XD

    15 days ago
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    @KPLBall Yay! 🌘v🌒

    15 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    @KPLBall [:

    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @F16xl @ChaseplaneKLWith1MG tanks tomorrow:D

    15 days ago
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    Stuff blowing up = Good

    15 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl


    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @ChaseplaneKLWith1MG you have been caught in the cross fire

    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    15 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    15 days ago