The new AI Rotorcraft ASAP Collection update is named The Definitive Update. This update brings a remaster and remodel of some of previous existing helicopters. And so for the future, some of helicopters which is probably we think deserved to be remastered, would be get it's brand new look as well in the future. All the additions are detailed in this forum.
We have remodeled a few of helicopters in AI Rotorcraft ASAP collection. They now have an enhanced and better model unlike the previous model. The new model has a "blueprint accurate" model, but unfortunately increasing the parts count. We're trying to make the parts count as low as possible. Some of them were completely reworked to follow the original blueprint, in other words they were completely made by me myself. And there are others that may not have been completely overhauled but only given extra additions and changes in shape but still follow and are even almost accurate to the shape of the original blueprint.
UH-60 Blackhawk
The first helicopter that received a remodel/redesign is the UH-60 Blackhawk. Previously it was a conversion of EnderEye767's UH-60 Blackhawk (Modular). but then we decided to rebuild it because the shape is quite unsatisfying. This helicopter then rebuild with the actual UH-60 blueprint which is now making it resembles to the actual shape and blueprint accurate. However, the downside is that it unfortunately increases the number of parts to be slightly more than the legacy version. Because of the complete overhaul and even being rebuild from scratch, this rotorcraft is no longer an "AI ASAP Conversion". The rebuild model also being used as a base for the next another H-60 helicopter family to be redesigned after it.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
HH-60 Pave Hawk
The newer model of this helicopter is derived from the previous UH-60 helicopter. The shape is more blueprint accurate and also the detailing and the loadout is still unchanged but the parts count also has been increased.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
SH-60 Seahawk
The third helicopter that has been remodeled is the SH-60 Seahawk. The legacy version is still a derivative model from EnderEye767's UH-60 Blackhawk (Modular) but redesigned it into a Seahawk. The new model design is accurately matched the actual blueprint: it is derived from the remodeled design of the UH-60 from before. The detailing and the loadout is still unchanged, but by unfortunate the parts count has been increased, unexpectedly touched 89 parts, which makes this rotorcraft have the largest number of parts just for now.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
HH-60 Jayhawk
Same as previous, this helicopter also get an overhaul just like the previous H-60 helicopters. The details and the Coast Guard livery and markings is remains unchanged, but the number of parts has also unfortunately increased.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
RAH-66 Comanche
The final helicopter that has been reworked is the RAH-66 Comanche. This is not actually a complete overhaul or rebuild from scratch, this is more like remastering the shape, and still using the original legacy base from Falkenwut's RAH-66 Comanche and so, we think this is still an "AI ASAP Conversion" because we didn't literally rebuild this rotorcraft from scratch. The new design however almost blueprint accurate: the length of the helicopter is now shortened because the legacy model is just quite elongated. We give some major tweaks to this rotorcraft like some adjustment and repositioning of some parts, and we also remove and replace some parts as well. The scale also has been enlarged for a little bit because the legacy version appears to be quite small. And the most striking thing from this changes is the remodel of the cockpit: the cockpit is redesigned and matching the actual blueprint, complete with the window frames. The loadout is remains unchanged, but it just got some small change like rescaling and adjustment, because we also give a small changes and adjustment to the weapon bay as well. The texture of the rotorcraft is more refined and a little bit glossier to make it looks stealthy. And of course, the remodeling also unfortunately increased the number of parts.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
CH-47 Chinook
Actually though, this is not really an overhaul or redesigning or something. This is more into the small re-texturing and mechanism replacement. The paintjob is still remain same, but the window texture is now even more reflective. The mechanism has been updated, because the previous version has a mechanism that literally did not follow the systematic of how the "AI Rotorcraft ASAP" works. The shape either is still remain same and unchanged after all.
You can download the rotorcraft by clicking the link down below.
Currently, there are only those 6 rotorcrafts which is being updated, the 5 of them got a complete overhaul while the 1 other is given a better texture and mechanism replacement. In the future, we're also planned to did a same thing to the other rotorcrafts that we think it deserved to be remastered.
Legacy variants
Only for the rotorcrafts which is got an overhaul, the legacy variant will be placed in the build description. Just in case if you miss the old model.
These new model look definitely more detailed and accurate when compared to the old ones which is might looks quite deformed and inaccurate. While the changes might be unnoticeable, it’s still interesting to see all these improvements that we present to you guys all.
If you're really desired to, I want the Ka-52 Alligator to be redesigned
@WHNineTripleOne ok
@RyooSensei Sure, can i see it?
@WHNineTripleOne yoo I have someone's AH-1Z Viper that I converted into AI rotor version, I put it in unlisted. May I tag you?
@Lwillswith2sentryguns Planned to changed it soon, but still had no picture to replace with
@WHNineTripleOne it’s good to see you back, Bud!
Always what happened to your pfp?
@RyooSensei Yes, the collection isn't abandoned and it still continued, I will make it very clear if I choose to stop working on it forever
Will you ever continue the RD Cockpit collection?
That's alot of helichoppers