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My view of the pointing system.

42.5k Hiiamhere  6 months ago

Let's just start with a question. Would you still be playing this game if it wasn't for the points?
Some of you would certainly say no, but that's not a bad thing. That means that its good for the player base to have a goal to set. But that doesn't mean that it is all good there is some stuff I don't like about it.

Stuff I like about it.
1. It gives players a goal and motivation.
Having a goal is crucial for a sandbox game where the possibilities are endless, because without one some of you would get bored and leave after you have build all you want to build. But with a goal you will get new inspiration to keep it going and build more stuff!

2 Gives players a feeling of competition and more creativity.
Trying to pass another player feels great, and some players compete with each other for that feeling. Which makes player get creative to get as many points as possible which means better builds!

Stuff I don't like about it.
1. It makes players less creative.
Some players discover an easy way to get upvoates. For example, imagine you discover a way to build a lot planes from verry few parts with less time having to sweat over making it historicaly accurate or verry detailed. With it getting a butt ton of upvoates because it's the only plane mobile players can use. Then you use the same idea over and over and over again and it keeps working, but in the cost of loosing the creativity to try somthing else for once. **But if you like it that way its fine!**

2 It makes players unmotivated
Making a build and really putting a lot of backbone into it only to see it getting swept under rug never to be seen by anyone again is really unmotivating so it makes you want to put less effort into your builds and take less risks that's why it also makes you lose your creativity, and this counts especially for new/beginner players. Thats why it's good the give them the help they need by giving first plane builds lots of upvoates!

But with all it's flaws it's still better than no points at all!

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    welcome to simpleplanes, are you enjoying your stay?
    but anyways players who are not platinum suffer from this severely. I was thinking on doing an experiment where a platinum player posts one of my aircraft, then I post either one of his builds or the same plane and seeing what is more popular.
    9 times out of 10 the plane posted by the platinum player will get more upvotes.

    +1 6 months ago
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    Take away a man's purpose and you are left with nothing but a sentient meat suit.

    +1 6 months ago
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    It brings with it a reputation. A Silver, by nature, is likely to get a tad more respect than a Bronze (other personal attributes notwithstanding). Or, at least, that is how I see it.
    Unfortunately, you then have accounts like, say (with absolutely no bias whatsoever), Graingy. They’re only Platinum because they’re loud.

    6 months ago
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    51.8k ShinyGemsBro

    It is what it is

    +1 6 months ago
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    5,633 upperflat

    yep that true.this community​ Value the image.instead valua the quality​.1 to 2 year ago alot of user build more creative and more quality then now it nothing more then simple low part aircraft and meme build.some of good build get 1 or 2 upvote while popular user get 10 upvote(thay build bad).man this community has fallen.

    6 months ago