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New Idea

2,141 TouhouFan11  3 months ago

You know? I've been thinking about trying to beat the 103-KS Mind Reader (by @GabrielSatori ) the plane is fast, agile, and stealthy. But I like making new stuff and challenging myself, so I'm gonna try build a plane that's capable of reaching more speed, agility and stealthy design, I'll try.

Sincerely From RMAFA

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    @TouhouFan11 sure thing, but funky trees are based on a specific plane’s behaviors, not a preset, if you want to use it on a plane that’s isn’t identical to the one it originally has, you might have to rewrite the whole thing.

    3 months ago
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    2,141 TouhouFan11

    @GabrielSatori can I use some of your funky trees? Please Mistress Satori?

    3 months ago
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    @TouhouFan11 the 103-KS was actually my second most complex plane, only behind Koishi’s plane, that plane was literally unflyable, if you have the plane and open the canard’s rotators, you will see the most complex input I’ve ever made, and it’s still unfinished. About the challenge, yeah, I think it would be cool, seeing other’s max capabilities in building a plane.

    +1 3 months ago
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    2,141 TouhouFan11


    Can we agree with this? A complex challenge required a complex plane, which requires a complex build and a complex response

    +1 3 months ago