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I am a curator now!

6,177 crazyplaness  11 days ago

I wasn’t going to make this post but I got asked why I was green and what a curator is a lot so here I am.

I am now a curator! That means I can curate your planes so they show up in VR (and give double points). It also means I am green.

If you want any builds curated make sure to include the VR tag. You can also tag me if nobody gets to it after a few days and you think it should be curated. Also, make sure to read the rules for curation. I probably won’t curate it if doesn’t follow the rules.

You can ask me some questions in the comments and I will try to answer them. I like feedback also so if you have any tips I will probably listen.

I’ve only been a curator for a few days but I’m very excited to help and see what you guys make!

edit: Moderators don’t curate planes, it is only curators and devs who can. I think I’ve seen a few people who thought moderators did

edit 2: I can’t see the new lever styles in VR and the new switch styles just show up as the default switch so it would be helpful if you tried to use only the old levers and keep in mind that the new switches will show up as the default ones. I will still probably curate it though

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  • Profile image
    1,394 SpEx


    4 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @Rb2h part of a plane getting curated is making sure that the bio is appropriate for vr users. It gets locked afterwards to make sure nobody can add anything inappropriate to it

    +1 5 days ago
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    4,792 Rb2h

    Also, why can't you edit a creation's bio once it's curated?

    5 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    @crazyplaness Ok, thanks

    7 days ago
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    19.0k KPLBall

    @crazyplaness YOOOOO NOICE MAN

    7 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @F16xl It makes it show up in VR for people not signed in.

    7 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    Does curating a plane do anything special, other than doubling points?

    8 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @Walrus001 Thanks!

    9 days ago
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    19.1k Walrus001


    9 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @MrSilverWolf can you remove this bot in the comments? It is just advertising a gambling site on multiple posts

    +1 9 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @Paris88LinkAlternatif no thanks

    +1 9 days ago
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    92.1k winterro

    @Paris88LinkAlternatif I do not think that's how curating works

    9 days ago
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    14.6k dekanii

    @F16xl as for now, none yet

    9 days ago
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    14.6k dekanii

    @F16xl So for now, we have:

    • Paper Rank (white)
    • Bronze Rank (brown)
    • Silver Rank (grey, silver)
    • Gold Rank (yellow, gold)
    • Platinum Rank (black)

    • Moderators (red)

    • Curators (green)

    • Developers (blue)

    so far we know this

    9 days ago
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    This a ✨epic award

    9 days ago
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    IDC (Joke)

    9 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    @crazyplaness Oh, yeah

    10 days ago
  • Profile image
    6,177 crazyplaness

    @F16xl devs

    10 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    Other than mods and curators, are there any other special roles on this site that existed or still exist

    10 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @dekanii Oh yeah it kind of surprised me

    10 days ago
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    10 days ago
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    Mate got an Emerald rank

    +3 10 days ago
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    14.6k dekanii

    @crazyplaness i mean you just come up to the dev themselves and said "yo i want to be curator" and poof you have green on your point badge

    10 days ago
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    6,177 crazyplaness

    @dekanii maybe I should have said G O L D lol. I guess Y E L L O W sounds kind of mean.

    +1 10 days ago
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    14.6k dekanii

    @crazyplaness that was unexpected

    +1 10 days ago
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