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19.2k KPLBall  12 days ago

I just remembered about the MDA Rocket artillery I was working on XD
(MDA don't disban me :( pls I beg of u guys)

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    New MLRS

    +1 12 days ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics Never heard of that, but it sounds intimidating

    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @Christiant2 it's ready now (sort of(

    12 days ago
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    And the upcoming TVRK-48

    +1 12 days ago
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    No worries, mate
    I just sto- I mean, legally purchased numerous Katyusha rocket trucks from Russian surplus, we have plenty of RA for now (and then there's the ARV-22)

    12 days ago
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    4,663 JABH

    I don't know how sensitive this is, but the reactions in the comments let me know.

    12 days ago
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    31.8k Christiant2

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Oh nah💀 Don't do that. Its just a mistake. Its not like we are at war. Or are we...😳

    +1 12 days ago
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    @KPLBall IM STRIPING YOU OF YOUR RANK, YOU ARE NO LONGER General of the Special Operations Command, Senior Advisor for Stealth

    +1 12 days ago
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    You’re good

    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @CrestelAeronautics (srry I keep getting ur name wrong)

    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @Karroc9522 (my closest friend)

    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @CrestrelAeronautics (why do I keep getting bros name wrong :( )

    12 days ago