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[SOLVED?] Plane instability issue

1,096 Star54ilor  11 days ago

So there's this fighter jet that I've been working on right? And for the most part it works just fine. Although for some reason, if you're travelling at sub-sonic speeds then pitching downwards and rolling at the same time will cause the stability to go haywire, resulting in the plane spinning out of control. I've found that one way to counter this issue would be through moving the entire vertical stabilizers using a rotator rather than relying on the control surfaces; But to no one's surprise, the rotator's joints will remain super wobbly even with damperMultiplier and massScale set to stupidly high values as well as attempting to introduce join-strengthening fuselage pieces. I think the problem mainly has to do with the horizontal stabilizers though I could be wrong. So I'm essentially looking for a way to either fix the rotator wobble or really any other method of stopping the plane from spinning out of control as I mentioned.

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    1,096 Star54ilor

    @overlord5453 I got it figured out at last, apparently moving the horizontal stabilizers back solved the issue for the most part, I think I can dislocate the wings further back from the main body without a problem since I'll be resizing them into nothing before building a fuselage-based custom stabilizer in its place anyways. I appreciate the help so no worries!

    Pinned 7 days ago
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    4,998 overlord5453

    @Star54ilor 👍

    7 days ago
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    4,998 overlord5453

    @Star54ilor maybe the COM and COL is too close?

    11 days ago
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    1,096 Star54ilor

    @overlord5453 none of these appear to be the issue unfortunately

    11 days ago
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    4,998 overlord5453

    Mass scale of rotator should not be set zero. And the deflection angle on the control surface could be too high.

    11 days ago