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Swiss Papers, Otesk War October

19.2k KPLBall  11 days ago

October, 1933
In Nepal, Japanese Zeros have developed a tactic to deal with the three-man squads of NF.1s. It goes like this: Dive under, Manuver away from diving NF.1s, Turn around and cut through the formation, then get behind them and finish them off

(A Zero destroying a NF.1 squad)
Zeros have also been terrorizing Nepalese Bombers. As Nepalese bombers fly in solo patrols, they leave themselves undefended, allowing A6Ms to destroy them easily

(Picture 1: a NB.1 dying to a Zero. Picture 2: a NB.2 dying to a Zero.)
In Mexico, a Spanish dive bomber formation tried to sink the damaged MS Mexico the Mexico was able to destroy them all with her FLAK though.

(A Spanish Swordfish Dive Bomber being blown up by MS Mexico)
Also in Mexico, a Spanish ship has fallen victim to the deadly mines set by the Mexicans in Socorro. The SNS Santa Fe, was sunk while passing through the rocks on a suicide Torpedo run on the MS Mexico.

(The burning wreck of SNS Santa Fe)
Finally in Russia, new tactics have been issued, small forces of I-18s destract polish fighters while the rest destroy Polish Bombers.

(A I-18 downing a PZL-24B)
But luckily for Poland, the Bombers are close enough together to cover themselves until a new fighter is developed.

(A PZL-24B destroying a Russian Bunker)

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    19.2k KPLBall

    @Boeing727200F later

    10 days ago
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    also is the US going to get involved or is that later?

    10 days ago
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    oh god Zeros, I got to push out something that could defeat a Zero before something bad happens

    10 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl

    Oh, crud we are being destoryed

    11 days ago
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    The revenge of the Zeroes...

    11 days ago
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    4,663 JABH

    @KPLBall As I was saying, don't worry, whenever you want.

    11 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    11 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    11 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @JABH (srry about the BF-109, not in the plan for today)

    11 days ago