November 1933,
In Europe Switzerland has had a traitor, and a French flyboy attacking a airfield, killed. The Traitor try to fly a BF-109E9 into French territory so that his friend could defeat the Germans, he was killed from a 20mil to the head.
(A Swiss pilot downing the traitor)
The French fly boy on the other hand thought Switzerland was Germany, it did not go well for him though. The pilot that, 3 days, earlier, shot down French pilot Pierre De-Paris was killed by Swiss Pilot, Charles Altimot.
(Charles downing Mr Pierre)
In Brazil, SNS Oregan has been sunk attacking a Brazilian Port, a Brazilian Swordfish pilot put is torpedo right in the aft ammorack sinking the SNS Oregan in one go.
(SNS Oregan exploding)
In Nepal, The patrol defense problem has been solved, it is now mandatory for NF.4s to fly with NB.1s and NB.2s to provide cover.
(A NB.2 and NF.4 destroy a A6M)
Finally Nepal has recaptured Northern Burma, taking an important Japanese airfield on a small Teak Plantation. This will set the stage for Nepalese tanks, Fighters, Bombers, and Ships to in counter their Japanese counterparts.
(A NF.5 destroys a Zero near the Teak Plantation)
Swiss Papers, Otesk War November
47.4k KPLBall
4 months ago
I bet @F16xl will both love and hate me for this set up
@JABH idk
Does the second image appear what I think it is?
More war
I need to upgrade the Zero and introduce the Raiden, fast.
G53 and P-39 went on vacation? AT A TIME LIKE THIS?! GUYS, YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!!
😍😍 I'll upload the P-38 in a few minutes
I hate you, I also love you! @KPLBall