Y'know, the webpage version of Minecraft Classic?
Really old, obviously (it's literally Classic), but hey, it's free!
Unfortunately huge worlds take ages to load and seem to chug a bit, but they're sizeable. Like three, I think? 128x128, 256x256, 512x512?
Anyways, just an FYI that's a thing. You need a keyboard, though. I recommend a mouse since laptop touchpads are slow and unresponsive.
Just a reminder that Minecraft Classic is a thing
1,088 ComradeSandman
4 months ago
@32 Eh, different tastes. Modern minecraft has features that I've never encountered, nor know how to even encounter (legitimately I ask what in the name of all is a Sniffer), but I appreciate the new stuff as it actually makes there something worth coming back for, at least for an exclusively singleplayer person like myself (I don't have anyone to play with lol).
Thing about Java vs. Bedrock is that for whatever reason Mojang insists on making the versions actually different. The two each have features that the other just flat-out doesn't have.
@Graingy honestly I like the simplicity of the old version, apart from the fact that you can’t place things on stuff like crafting tables even if you crouch. Minecraft was arguably a complete game even back then, so them adding stuff doesn’t really improve it too much for me personally, all it does is convolute the gameplay loop in my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, modern versions are still good, but reducing it down to the simpler things is where it’s at for me. Honestly Java is the way to go if you have hardware that can handle it, you can choose the version you like best. the only real thing bedrock has going for it imo is all its multiplayer features.
@Paper No, you literally get one world per device. No saving, as I think it’s handled by a server or something.
I lost my house, my tower, and my WIP castle (you can’t hold to place so building big things is annoying - you need to click every time rapidly).
At first it spawned them (I.e. every block I placed of any sort) into a small world (and really close together), but trying t reset to Huge just completely reset everything.
Sometimes worlds will do that, I guess I now know why.
@Graingy Oh wait, did you forget to save your world before joining? 😂
@Graingy Oh crap... hmmmmmmm.
now i must try this for myself
@Paper Okay DO NOT try to join other games, it doesn't work and it overwrites your own world.
Goddamnit my castle
@32 Outdated though.
I've come around to Bedrock in a few ways. It has its flaws, but it's bearable.
@Paper I would've but I think the game is technically supposed to be multiplayer (though I've never gotten it to work) and didn't want to risk sharing mine somehow.
@TheMouse Nom nom nom
@Paper whaaaaaaat
why does this work
@Graingy yooo Top Gear reference??!!!
Also I bought an Xbox one just to play Minecraft Legacy, it’s so much better than modern bedrock
yooo nvm here it is https://classic.minecraft.net
gimme link
I also recommend a mouse.
In the new update, we introduce an anti personnel mine rebalance, an anti-kamikaze system for planes, improved graphics and many other minor changes! Read full patchnote for more!