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660 LowQualityRepublic  9 days ago
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    fun fact: this is my first post

    Pinned 9 days ago
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    @RepublicofWrightIsles æ

    2 days ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic and, you must be confusing east w/ west, because east is where my airport is

    2 days ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic but.... North Wright is mine! It's where North Wright (DISCOUNT NORTH AMERICAN) Comes from

    2 days ago
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    @RepublicofWrightIsles it occupies eastern wright and the north isles and no, you did not have a civil war.

    3 days ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic who the actual fuck is the Wright federation!?! Did I have a civil war!?!

    3 days ago
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    @RepublicofWrightIsles no you are republic of wright isles. i am talking about wirhgt federation

    3 days ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic now freeze mothafuka, I didn't ban you, infact, I would never do such thing! Where did you get the ban call from?

    5 days ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic hey stinky don't think I wouldn't see this coming....

    5 days ago