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[STL-WAR] Clearing up misconceptions.

1,662 JaxHere  8 days ago

id just like to let everyone seeing this know...
The stanleranationalgov is Mt brothers acc, and subsequently my brothers nation. This war is just for funsies.

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    So... no A-40C-R1?

    +1 8 days ago
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    19.1k KPLBall

    @JaxHere yeah after i captured Bandit, count me out. i have to deal with the otesk war rn

    8 days ago
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    @JaxHere IK, but I don't want to fight a war rn

    8 days ago
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    1,662 JaxHere


    8 days ago
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    1,662 JaxHere


    8 days ago