This day, 23 years ago, 4 aircraft were hijacked by terrorists. 2 hit the wtc (world trade center), one hit the pentigon, and the final crashed into a field due to a failed hijacking attempt (The passengers of the 4th flight fought back and got controll of the aircraft(If you were wondering where the 4th flight was going it was going for the white house)). 2977 died due to the terroist attacks. Many brave people sacrificed themselves to save others, they will never be forgetten for their acts. Many innocent people died due the attacks. We will never forget what happened on this day, and the people lost.
Also please don't make fun of the event, I know who you are. If you do I will report the comment and get your account deleted or banned.
@planesandgodzilla1954 as I stated earlier in a previous comment the rules state no memorial posts as aircraft builds they are fine as forum posts
@HudDistance BOOM, told you lol. All good man
@Angelcod73 it wasn't, I've watched a documentary, and more stuff about it.
But oh well we shouldn't argue about this anyways
Edit: I was wrong; they were CONCERNED that it would hit the air force one. My bad
@HudDistance no it was headed to DC before crashing in Pennsylvania
@Boeing727200F not to be that guy. But I'm pretty sure the 4th flight was directed to the air force one, as George Bush was teaching in a school at flordia, heard about the attack, got onto the plane, and the hijackers were going to collide with it but failed
@Boeing727200F @MrSilverWolf deleted my memorial idk why...
@Boeing727200F Come on
@F16xl yeah, that is how the internet works, also they cant be persecuted for their actions
@Boeing727200F wtf
@F16xl they think it is cool or something. it also is VERY trendy on social media and whatnot.
I don’t understand why people make jokes about 9\11, I’m right in the age group that does it, but I don’t even think about making jokes about the attacks