March 1934,
In Nepal the new Nikajima Ki-5 has entered service, although it has very powerful guns it still has a hard time fighting NF.2s. Nevertheless the Ki-5 is a fear for Nepalese pilots that don't have anything over it, like the bombers
(A Ki-5 knocking out a NF.4)
But the NF.1 has a new variant made as a precaution. The NF.1C. the new NF.1 has the new AAPC Cannon. And it has destroyed four Ki.5s after being released 3 days before the end of March.
(A NF.1C knocks out a Ki-5)
Nepal also has a new fighter, the NF.6, it has four AAPC cannons and two M2HBs. It's based on the P-43 Lancer and has been tested against Zeros and proven to easily beat them.
(A NF.6 upon takeoff)
Also NF.4s have been ranking up kills against Zeros attacking Bombers. The NF.4 pilots have not seen many major casualties either.
(A NF.4 downs a Zero Infront of a NB.2)
The USS Marblehead has been sent back to the USA from Nepal because the Nepalese don't need it due to their NB.1s soon being remodified to antiship purposes.
(USS Marblehead)
In Poland the only PZL-24LR has crashed, the way this happened was the PZL-24LR had a fire break out and tore the engines apart, it also was missing a landing gear.
(The PZL-24LR Crashing)
Also I-18s are becoming increasingly scarce in favor of a Russian ground strike. As the I-18s are Cannonfodder for the Polish, the I-18s are being pulled from service so DB-3s can become more common.
(A PZL-33 downing a I-18)
In Brazil, two Spanish owned Ki-5s have been downed by BF-109E9 Swissers, now the king of Spain is in trouble by the Japanese emperor for sending the Ki-5 against the extremely manuverable BF-109E9 Trop.
(A BF-109E9 Trop downing a Ki-5)
In Italy, RE-2000s have been downing Spanish P-35As, the Spanish are angry at the king of Spain for using their planes as cannon fodder.
(A RE-2000 downing a P-35A)
Finally in Portugal, the nuetral country has two kills after two P-35s fley into their airspace on scouting missions and died too two P-36As.
(A P-36 downing a P-35)
@JABH alr
@KPLBall But in all Bro, even on the ground and water
@JABH they are XD
Dear @KPLBall:
When you go to take the screenshots, first set the graphics to maximum so it looks better.
@KPLBall Oh
@JABH ur BF-109 is only on my computer and I forgot to save it
(I'm not at home rn)
My BF didn't appear 😭
I love this, it's nice to read this every now and then.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover NF.1C out
Nay, I read it all, but I have an argument with evidence:
"...the new NF.1 has the new AAPC Cannon. And it has destroyed four Ki.5s after being released 3 days before the end of March."
"Nepal also has a new fighter, the NF.6, it has four AAPC cannons and two M2HBs. It's based on the P-43 Lancer and has been tested against Zeros and proven to easily beat them."
"Also NF.4s have been ranking up kills against Zeros attacking Bombers. The NF.4 pilots have not seen many major casualties either."
Along with that evidence I'm just being super hard on myself for the sake of improvement- if it's even possible. When I flew the Ki-5 (not even the Kai version), it took six P-39s attacking at the same time to shoot it down, but here it got yeeted by one NF.1C. Trying to find a solution to all of this seems difficult...
@TheUltimatePlaneLover brother did you not read through
The Ki-5 is strong, the Spanish suck and flew two against eightish
Broski didn't even last one month ;-;
At this point I'm pretty hopeless, I tested those things so thoroughly but they're not working now?
Ki-5 Kai probably won't do much better, either due to generational performance or anti-Japanese bias.
Looks like I'll have to resort to Type 44...