OK this really annoyed me because I had to go through my computer and delete a ** ton of files. I wanted to download "Visual Studio Tools For Unity" and "Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition" so I could create my own maps for the community. I didn't know that windows 10 came with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition because it started installing on my computer after I started installing Unity. This might have been a mistake on my part but I just wanted to let the devs know that there might be a problem with the downloads. ( I also don't want windows 10. Pretty much a complete invasion into privacy which is a right I should have on the internet)
@RocketLL I know, I just wanted the m to know so they could somehow inform them about this.
Yeh I have Windows 10 it's actually better than Windows 8.1 :/ No big surprise there
It's not the devs' fault, VS is a Microsoft program too.
I don't think installing Unity3D/VS will install Win10 too, maybe you clicked something wrong? By "install" do you mean Win7/8/8.1 to Win10 upgrade or what?
And the internet is overreacting on the Win10 privacy issue. It's not as bad as you think unless you have very sensitive materials.
@TheLatentImage @KevinMurphy