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Swiss papers, Otesk War, April

19.2k KPLBall  6 days ago

April, 1934
All today is Nepal.
So the first fight between the NF.6 and the Ki-5 II Kai has came in.
The two airplanes have so much survivability they cannot kill each other, yet.

(The Ki-5 Kai II and NF-6 fighting)
It ended up as a draw, the NF.6 crashed and easily survived in Nepalese territory after running out of fuel, while the Ki-5 Kai II landed at the base they were fighting over.
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(Picture 1: the NF.6 crashing. Picture 2: the Ki-5 landing)
But a normal Ki-5 was damaged and crash landed in a Nepalese Island.

(The Ki-5 crashing)
It ended up, heavily modified, in the hands of the Nepalese, now known as the NA.1

(The new NA.1)

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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover mm

    6 days ago
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    Nepal be like:
    ~Reverse Engineering~
    I totally didn't put some unexpected anti-capture mechanism into the Type 44 :)

    6 days ago
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    5,394 F16xl


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    19.2k KPLBall


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    19.2k KPLBall


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    19.2k KPLBall


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