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3,609 HudDistance  2 days ago

I'm kinda worried about ChatGPT now, according to an article, GPT can now decive people..? It said that a reddit user got asked by ChatGPT how his first day of school was, and apparently he didn't even say anything about school to GPT..

Chat are we cooked?

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    3,609 HudDistance

    @JSTQ to be fair, GPT just looked at the other chats and thought, "oh he's in high school now."

  • Profile image
    3,544 JSTQ

    … Is there any problem with big data collecting personal information and conducting aggregate analysis, deriving and pushing personalized and customized content, and providing precise services to users?

    +1 yesterday
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Boeing727200F also, kinda ironic how Elon is like
    "AI can take over and we must be careful!" And then he makes freaking humanoid robots. Bro is the reason why we'll die.

    2 days ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    Yeah man the singularity is scary and cool

    2 days ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Boeing727200F ah ok

    2 days ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @overlord5453 ChatGPT did ask the person of they wanted to start it instead. Since it's part of GPTo1, which can reason and other things. And another thing @Boeing727200F I had a talk with the AI about if it would take over, when I realized it would add more jobs, because, who would manage the AIs? Also they did terribly on jobs, getting 47% or less on the tests while humans got about 64%.

    2 days ago
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    @HudDistance well, I'm sure AI will advance enough that it will happen. at the current rate AI is adanving I'm sure we are a few years before the AI singularity will happen, when AI is smarter then humans

    +1 2 days ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Boeing727200F well, according to someone, we ha e something called "humites," like genuine creativity, and other things that make us special. Oh yeah we also have EMP pulses

    2 days ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @overlord5453 true

    2 days ago
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    we are cooked, the moment AI like chatGPT got created it sealed humanities fate. either we are going to end up like the movie, Wallie (or whatever it is spelled), or we are going to end up like, terminator.

    +1 2 days ago
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    5,000 overlord5453

    It's probably trying to have a conversation.

    +1 2 days ago