I will not let Ljh1’s retirement be let in sadness, I will make sure his sacrifice will not be in vain.
@TheACcompany 我重生了
@LJh1 啊,好。
@TheACcompany 原来是这样啊
@LJh1 我生了在北京
@LJh1 啊, 你也可以说中文。很好!
@TheACcompany 我来自深圳
@LJh1 are you from China, I am actually from beijing
@LJh1 😁
thank you
@TheACcompany 我重生了
@LJh1 啊,好。
@TheACcompany 原来是这样啊
@LJh1 我生了在北京
@LJh1 啊, 你也可以说中文。很好!
@TheACcompany 我来自深圳
@LJh1 are you from China, I am actually from beijing
@LJh1 😁
thank you
You are a good man