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[S-War] OK, The REAL Attack Begins.

58.8k TheUltimatePlaneLover  15 days ago

Don't worry, skibidistorm is over.

It's time for the REAL attack on Wright!

Today's aerial campaign started off with heavy attacks from the MDA's F/CAS-12 Thundershriek and ACI-A-250 Hypernova. Their mission was to attack newly made positions on Wright before the Retronian Colonial Forces (RCF) could fortify their new "base."

An F/CAS-12 strafes Wright with its rockets.

Same picture, but from a different angle to (kind of) give a perspective of just how close the F/CAS is to the ground. Trust me, low-flying won't be a rare occurrence from either side in this war, and I foresee it being very dangerous regardless of the party.

A second F/CAS-12 (note the fully stocked rocket rails) on its way to Wright Airport.

The ACI-A-250 attempts to strike down a ZOV-1. The ZOV-1 survived, but was immobilized by the damage.

The Hypernova creates "a harp in the sky" from firing its missiles at a devastatingly rapid rate.

With the MDA's attack now underway, the RCF called in for backup; more planes, more tanks, more men. Several aircraft made their way to Wright, but unfortunately, their quickness resulted in a run-in with the second wave of the strike.

The second wave of the attack was massive, containing a variety of veterans like the SK-3, B-8B, and FA-32A, but also several new aircraft, namely the FA-31 (fairly new), B-7B, and FA-32B. In terms of Strikers, between easier distinguishing, and the A-Variant's lack of actual damage to the enemy, only the new B variant of the FA-32 has been pictured.

An ace way to start of the peak of the combat, an SK-3 flies onto the scene low, fast, and spamming rockets, sparking a firestorm to assist in its dramatic entrance.

An FA-31 fires rockets at a hangar where Retronian forces reside. This was one of the FA-31's only air-to-surface attacks of the mission, as it would spend the remainder of the time as an interceptor (as shown below).

Reference the text above... good news is, the FA-31, despite lacking status, proved an effective deterrence fighter, veering RCF aircraft away from Wright rather than shooting them down.

The FA-32B was a little less friendly, instead demonstrating the might of its new 30mm cannons by taking out an RCF aircraft with a single direct shot to the cockpit. Despite the havoc wreaked today, this was actually one of the only examples of actual personnel losses, and the only instance so far where the pilot was knocked out.

Immediately strafing enemy positions with its rocket, a single ZOV-1 was knocked out, but allegedly not entirely destroyed. The FA-32B wasn't entirely intact either, though: its elevator was clipped by the explosion (yes the explosion, not the shrapnel) of one of its own rockets, but the damage was fairly minor and it continued to carry out the mission with little issue.

An column of explosions occurs as the FA-32B blows up the runway to prevent more landings. If the bomb-row feels familiar, you're correct; the FA-32B utilizes the same AEM-28(I forgot the number but I think it's 28) bombs as the B-8B, who left similar albeit longer trails of destruction in its wake during the TB-War. Also, don't worry guys, I'll pay for repairs after the war.

Boasting the FA-32B's quick turn time, the plane flips around to strike the remainder of the runway with its heavy cannons, the shrapnel and even smoke of the aftermath of the Striker's cataclysmic attack still visible. Also that nose name... I swear-

The FA-32B flies away, launching flares and chaff to avoid SAMs.

A B-8B Sonic Strike begins dropping its entire payload of 80 bombs onto the runway, because the Striker, apparently, couldn't do enough on its own.

Now with all bombs dropped, the Sonic Strike lurks around the island, flying low and fast whilst utilizing its large fuel capacity to stay on guard as long as it can. Oh the benefits of being an interdictor... Fun Fact: official numbers say the B-8B was flying at speeds of 1320 MPH at roughly 120 feet (yes, this is rounded, but true).

The B-7B playing a very... interesting role. Unlike literally everyone else who has been bombing the daylight out of Wright, the B-7B, dubbed "Precise Strike," focused on aerial-to-naval mining. And no, we don't mean "diggy diggy hole" mining, we mean planting sea mines, in order to ensure that the RCF doesn't attempt to enter by sea. This may also be a disadvantage for the MDA, too, however, as it would be impossible to get close to Wright without running the risk of getting mined.

The SK-3 flying away from the mayhem that just ensued on Wright.

After the 30 minutes that felt like an eternity, the second wave finally stopped. But this time, as the third wave appeared, it was the MDA's turn to be surprised. Retronian backup had finally gathered themselves and was ready to brawl with the MDA. What happened, however, was nothing short of a hype-killer, with neither side taking aerial losses, and only a single ground loss. On the other hand though, this should be of concern for both sides; such an outcome means the MDA and RCF are equally matched.

The ACI-A-200 flying to Wright at full throttle, ready to attack.

The Flashback firing its gun at RCF ground units. This attack marked the only ground vehicle- well, actually the only vehicle as a whole- destroyed during Wave 3.

A red RCF canard, dubbed the "Redfale" by MDA pilots, has a close dodge from one of the B-7B's FRCM S-25Ms. This is the first time in Combined SimpleVerse history that someone dodged an FCRM missile without the turnaround destroying them immediately afterwards.

The Redfale flying through a row of chaff as it attempts to finish the dogfight with the B-7B by missile. The B-7B's countermeasures proved too effective for this to happen, but in the end, neither plane was able to outpace the other, resulting in a stalemate. Is this the new MiG-15 vs Harrier (only M-War veterans will understand)?

An F-14 attacks incoming MDA aircraft, to little physical avail, but the surprise of the attack threw one of the two aircraft off in attempt to both dodge and attack. Despite being the fifth picture here, this F-14 was actually the first to arrive to the scene. In terms of combat, however, this picture is still in chronological order.

The two aforementioned aircraft in question. Surprisingly, it was actually the larger and more armored FI-90 who got jumpscared by the attack, rather than the smaller, slower, lighter, and less-armored F/CAS-12 (who in reality was a more viable target since he's the most capable of the ground attack role, with the FI-90 serving no real purpose here other than escort.

Launching a flurry of flares as to dodge another potential attack from the F-14.

A ZOV-1, injured but alive from the attack, fires its cannon in attempt to strike the F/CAS-12. The attempt failed. An SK-3 would fly around later in order to strike hangars, the said aircraft would be attacked by the ZOV-1, but the attack on the SK-3 would fail as well.

Launched from the MDA's new Alicorn, an A-14A dives onto Wright, damaging one of the smaller hangars whilst obliterating the taxiway leading to/leaving from the said hangar.

And lastly, Vector, one of the MDA's most faithful veterans who has served in every war since the famous M-War. Although he'll be doing as much as he can in the future, he didn't really do much today, mostly just standing watch as well as getting participation points.

That's all



MDA Allies:
@JABH (potentially)

Retronian Colonial Forces:

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  • Profile image

    Keep that Vector guy in mind, he might be important later.
    Also, this is ridden with references. Can you find them all?

    Pinned 15 days ago
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    @KPLBall Hheheheheheeehee

    13 days ago
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    22.2k KPLBall

    I give you permission to send out the anti-ground monster
    The AH-102B Illinois "Viper".

    +1 13 days ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    Dang what a lore
    My brain cannot comprehend this level of storytelling

    14 days ago
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    14 days ago
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    1,688 SPsidearm

    @CrestelAeronautics the other one.

    14 days ago
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    14 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover aye aye sir

    14 days ago
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    Sipper = Cipher

    14 days ago
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    @Boeing727200F Nah ik what you mean fam
    Should be easy on iPad

    +1 14 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover btw if you were wondering when I mentioned "cover the missile in a black box" look at the linked post at what I mean.

    +1 14 days ago
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    this guy!
    Though I think that he was technically refering to this, but, who knows!

    14 days ago
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    @Boeing727200F I don't know but I'm taking it for free anyways XD

    +1 14 days ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics Sipper?

    14 days ago
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    wait why am I trying to give the person I asked to take a part from if they want the part?

    14 days ago
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    You know who I’m talking about… << Buddy. >>

    14 days ago
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    want classified missiles?
    (PS if you do use them and photograph them cover the whole missile in a black box to make it look like the government redacted the missile)

    14 days ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics My mom, more than likely.

    14 days ago
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    “A suspicious F-15 with blue wings”
    I wonder who that could be…

    14 days ago
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    @DestroyerDJ2 Yes

    14 days ago
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    Planelover sir, we might need something to defend wright with, something powerful but stationary, I don’t beleive we can risk this again

    +1 14 days ago
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    1,688 SPsidearm

    Arnold tellings: as of now, RCF Is making a railgun cannon to mount on a ZoV-1. A suspicious F-15 with Blue wings is approaching Vector's location.
    The RCF's FOB is in the north runaway.

    [Noobs/SEP is uncanon]

    15 days ago
  • Profile image
    1,688 SPsidearm

    I might release the ADATS and howitzer versions of ZoV-1.

    15 days ago
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    Oh, so not the SRC-03a Rail Cannon

    15 days ago
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    It's the one on the ACI-A-200

    15 days ago
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