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Really Good News

5,284 Rb2h  14 days ago

I can build again!!!

I got a new Galaxy A15
And I'm getting acquainted with SimplePlanes once again...
All of my subassembalies are gone

But hey, I can play again!

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    5,284 Rb2h

    It doesn't do that anymore

    11 days ago
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    5,284 Rb2h

    When I first flew in sandbox mode with a H-6, the nuke just automatically deployed and killed me lol

    11 days ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @Rb2h I think you set "Computer" vs "Computer"

    14 days ago
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    5,510 overlord5453

    @Rb2h if the user aircraft is being controlled by AI, the aircraft will engage on its own.

    14 days ago
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    27.5k 126

    @Rb2h idk, never happened to me personally so...

    14 days ago
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    27.5k 126

    lessss gooooo

    14 days ago
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    5,284 Rb2h

    Why do the missiles auto fire in dogfight mode??!

    +1 14 days ago