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Quest ion

1,260 hasya1371  2 months ago

So i just scrolling until
There is white,bronze,silver,green?
So there is a green in system upvote point like a random user gets 6000 points and its green color. Anyone can explain it? Thank you

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    36.8k Graingy

    It’s a job, not a rank. Think like Dev/Mod.
    They used to be a thing, but we’re removed for not doing their job.
    @crazyplaness getting it was a shock, since everyone figured it was history. I was surprised it was something that even could happen, though in hindsight I suppose it’d be a waste of effort to bother removing the feature from the site. Easier to just not assign it to anybody instead.

    2 months ago
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    I can curate planes which means they show up in the airplane browser for vr users.

    +1 2 months ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    Green is for curator. They can approve a build for SPVR.

    2 months ago
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    2 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    Green tag users are curators. They're responsible for viewing VR tagged builds to see if they're good enough to be shown/used in SimplePlanes VR.
    As far as I know, if one has a VR set, they can be a curator. They just need to talk to Andrew about it.
    It doesn't require any specific amount of points to get.

    2 months ago
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    It means your a curator, you can curate planes but @crazyplaness can explain better

    2 months ago