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The Wright-Snowstone Cold War? (Part II)

8 WrightIslandsGovernment  4 months ago

We did a defense agreement with Merryweather and a weaponry and vehicles support with TMG Industries. We will recieve the vehicles in 1-3 days probably.. we hope that Krakabloa and Snowstone don't realize that we will recieve supplies to fight against them. we have some Jackhammer, Wasp, Pigpen and Vertigo units, But we are still very weak against Snowstone and Krakabloa. The Maywar president told us that the Maywar Army and Air Force will help us fight them. We are planning to build a nuclear power plant to research and develop nuclear weapons, but we are worried because Snowstone has also some Balistic Nuclear Missiles and some 15 MT bombs, and we barely have some 8000 kg bombs in our arsenal, we just to have faith and defend the citizents