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I am in no good condition…

1,454 SpEx  28 days ago

Have you ever had a concussion? If you haven’t, spoiler: It’s not fun. That’s exactly what happened to me today. Now, I don’t know if you do this. But I have gym class in school. My classmates were playing Sharks and Minos, then one of my classmates tagged me. I HATE the game and didn’t want to play, so I just tried to simply fall. Little did I know, I made the WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I think you know what happens next.

Oh you don’t?


I hit my head REAL HARD against the wall. I felt like a bowling ball and felt numb. Have you played Wii or Nintendo Switch Sports and got a strike? That’s pretty much what happened to me against the wall. I’m fine, but I’ll have to take a few days off.

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    1,051 Galaxyace

    Hey you should take as much time as you need, your health comes first Simple planes and games come last once you feel well you can start posting if you like? Get well soon.

    24 days ago
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    6,245 F16xl

    Get well soon!

    27 days ago
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    4,252 Trainz448

    Never had a concussion, but I know they're very dangerous. I hope you recover quickly.

    28 days ago
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    2,004 Numbers2

    I had a concussion when I was 6 years old it was after I had split my head on a bathroom tile getting out of the bath and yes it's not fun but because of my situation the doctor wanted me to stay awake for 7hrs... so I had to be awake for some time! Just relax for the first few days buddy and don't play contact sport for atleast 2 weeks and if you continue to have issues or even have a seizure immediately see a doctor!

    28 days ago
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    RIP mate, get well. Never had one myself (no brain to concuss), but I’ve heard they’re nasty.

    +1 28 days ago
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    29.8k Nerfaddict

    Basically hit head too hard, brain lag

    28 days ago
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    get off digital devices for a few days, your brain is stressed and recovering.

    28 days ago
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    1,454 SpEx

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 idk maybe it is

    28 days ago
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    Get better soon

    28 days ago
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    Oof, (is it bad that I immediately thought of the flash bang meme)

    28 days ago
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    Yikes, definitely take it slow for a week or two. I had a concussion back in middle school, they are in fact not fun.

    28 days ago