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I will plan to build an aircraft carrier

1,492 LJh2  6 days ago

Everybody, give me some advice

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    1,492 LJh2

    @VenusLancer OK

    6 hours ago
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    31.4k VenusLancer

    you may set the calculateDrag to false in all blocks except one, this will help you a lot to reduce the lag in big builds (part count doesnt care too much)

    also create a ramp in the end of the runway helps to land for that grip thing

    +1 5 days ago
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    5,769 F16xl

    @LJh2 Thanks!

    +1 5 days ago
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    1,492 LJh2

    @F16xl Sounds good

    5 days ago
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    6,326 crazyplaness

    Working catapults are nice

    +2 6 days ago
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    5,769 F16xl

    Have a large runway, like the USS Gerald R. Ford, or the upcoming USS John F. Kennedy.

    +1 6 days ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    giving advices in the process

    +1 6 days ago
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    28.7k LJh1

    Give some advice

    +1 6 days ago