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Where I've Been

7,343 Darkhound  6 months ago

Hello everyone,

My name is Darkhound. It's been a year since I last touched SimplePlanes, and it's because a lot's happened to me in my real life: I've graduated from high school, and got into the most prestigious college of my country. My life is not as simple anymore, and life as it is will get busier for me. It's been like that for everyone, no?

Not just only that, it's also because when I first got here seven years ago, the idea of being able to build my own planes in a game was revolutionary at the time. Granted, my first planes were horrid, and I got my first account here at banned for me and my big mouth saying I'm 11 at the time (the age limit was 13), but SimplePlanes was exhilarating. Fun.

As I grew older, I got better at building planes and eventually found the whole community here. This was where I got inspired to push my own limits of building. But during my latter half of my stay here, the more SimplePlanes became more, complicated. I'm not gonna spend your time with me complaining about what I think went wrong, I'm just saying that with age comes a higher self-standard, and because of that I've become just jaded from building planes in general.

Builds that used to inspire me just became higher and higher bars to reach, even though I build not for the points but for my own enjoyment. And even then, my builds probably would just get swept off by planes posted by users more talented than I am. This was the major reason why I built with less and less frequency over the years, even if my build quality improved along the updates of the game.

But still, SimplePlanes was fun. The game is also reaching its tenth anniversary this December 10, funny how time flies. The issues of the game becoming complicated for something called simple, is because the game is old. I believe Jundroo made the right moves to make second iterations of their games, with the sequel of Simpleplanes coming approximately next year.

With all these said and done, I'd like to conclude that I am done with Simpleplanes. I don't love it. I don't hate it. But it's become old, for me, and literally old. 'Til then, I'll be busy with my real life, and I'll be waiting for SimplePlanes 2. See you all in the flipside.

Yours truly,