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Physics question for you all!

726 ComradeSandman  22 days ago

If I throw a 5.0kg Steel ball at 7.2m/s towards another person 2.0m away, at an angle 30 degrees up from horizontal, all under 9.8m/s2 of gravity, how long is my prison sentence going to be?

Ignore air resistance.

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    Be quick, this is important and my time is limited.

    Pinned 22 days ago
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    @TriStar juice?????

    17 days ago
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    30.0k TriStar

    The answer is juche 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵

    18 days ago
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    @Boeing727200F Noted

    21 days ago
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    I got a classmate to try to solve the question. assault and battery. 10-20 years. depends on the place. also the physics question has no air resistance so no clue

    +1 21 days ago
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    21 days ago
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    @overlord5453 Vectors >:(

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @ComradeSandman i wouldn't know anything about martian law. Can't give you any advice here.

    22 days ago
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    @overlord5453 Grain, some poor mofo, Classified, Martian Union, Graingy.
    And yes it is a physics question! Did you not see my vectors?

    22 days ago
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    @TheMouse Not important, Martian Union, Classified, and I think the steel was produced in 1944.

    +1 22 days ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 oh cool

    22 days ago
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    @TheMouse Wonderful advice!
    @ComradeSandman Do it.

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    It will depen upon,
    Who you are?
    Who is on the receiving end?
    What is the relation between you two?
    Where you live?
    How good is your lawyer?

    By the way, this is not a physics question. You are asking for advice.

    22 days ago
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    57.6k TheMouse

    Depends on multiple factors including who you are throwing at, what country you are in, (on what planet) whether they provoked you, and much more.
    Just do it, and worry about jail later.

    22 days ago
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    @ComradeSandman hmm maybe 2yrs

    22 days ago
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    Isn't this what firing computers are for?

    22 days ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 What? What are you implying?
    I have done nothing!

    22 days ago
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    Depends, was it provoked, self defense maybe

    22 days ago