The MWBS is looking for combat pilots experienced in the use of light STOVL aircraft, primary fighters. Applicants must be capable of landing an aircraft upon a 15m wide platform traveling at 10-20 knots.
Service will be upon a light aircraft carrier.
Inquiries accepted below.
@GuyWhoBuildStuff Still going to dodge the question?
@TheMouse Coward.
@Guywhobuildsstuff This isn't under the US judiciary system.
I've been pretty careful in making sure we legally don't exist.
It was not a clean process.
I could be classified as one in that case. However, I could just shoot someone, so I vary rarely find it necessary to kamikaze.
@OrangeConnor2 uhh.
@Guywhobuildsstuff ... I'm sorry, are you saying you're a robot kisser?
@TheMouse Fast moving impactor.
Grain said.
@OrangeConnor2 the uh… robot simping… uhhh
Listen, it was a long time ago, I hadn’t started to participate with the community that much, just… ignore any thing about this topic
@TheMouse You're at near light speed lmao
If you hit something shit's gonna get crazy
@TheMouse rodnt
Define kinetic weapon.
@TheMouse I thought you were a kinetic weapon.
@Guywhobuildsstuff How do they know about what?
I am a MOUSE. Not a rat, not a pig, not a flying elephant!
On the other hand, I too think it is wise to investigate the potential enemy.
@TheMouse Are you the rodent in their ranks?
I know no more tahn you do.
And yes, it's super obvious Mckenzie is a robot kisser.
@Guywhobuildsstuff ... @TheMouse?
@Graingy wha- WHAT??!!
We’ve got a rat in our ranks
nuh uh
@Boeing727200F And technically neither of us are "Graingy". Graingy is a company, not a person.
... Or at least, I think it's not a person? It's something of a mystery were the name came from, as far as I know.
@crazyplaness No. I once owned the account now called Graingy, but those days are unfortunately long over.
@Graingy Buzz off.
@overlord5453 Ignore Grain.
I'd have to consult my associate (Ahem, @Guywhobuildsstuff) but somewhere between $40-50k USD per year, per my most recent estimates. I could be a bit off, but something around that range as far as I know.
@crazyplaness he could be
(probably an alt)