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Just a simple question to everyone in the community.

2,690 AManWillDieButNotHisIdeas  22 days ago

Question, what time is the website most active?

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    On average, sometime around 10 to 11:30 AM EST

    22 days ago
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    @overlord5453 yeah

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hmm, I didn't know that. I guess I wasn't around long enough.

    22 days ago
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    @overlord5453 yeah, and it does normally pick back up around winter break so

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 forgot to add the sp2 release part. There will be a surge of new players and activity will be at all time high. Plus, the people who left may come back.

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @HuskyDynamics01 me mortal.

    22 days ago
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    @overlord5453 it’ll pick back up around winter break, and with SP2 coming out, it will get revived

    22 days ago
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    @overlord5453 says who?

    22 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    There is no specific time of activity. People hop in when they get the time to. Plus, the community is dying so you know......soon there won't be much activity at all.

    22 days ago