phone ringing
???: Hello?
Good Guy?: Hey bro, we need you over here, F-14-RCF thinks he's the best.
Friendly?: Alright, I'll come
Maybe a spy?: Great see you in a bit
Le Spy?: WAIT
Who are these guys?: Yeah?
Who is he? What do we do with the Criminaly Insane One?
WHAT THE?!: Ich brauche Action! ICH BRAUCHE ACTION! ICH BRAUCHE JETZT HANDLUNGEN! Wenn mir niemand etwas tut, werde ich diesen Planeten bis auf die Grundmauern niederbrennen, ich werde alle Inseln haben, damit ich weiterhin Dinge für unendliche Action erschaffen kann!
Who is this?: Bring him with
Imperial Maybe?: Alright
30 minutes later
F-14-RCF: You silly MDA, you can't touch me, I was handcrafted to defeat your pathetic air force!
F-14-RCF: My speed, My agility, They dwarf your air force! IN COMPARISON I AM KING OF THE SKIES!!!
MDA-ASF Thunderer MK1: Really?
F-14-RCF: Really :D!
A-40: REALLY?!?!
F-14-RCF: REALLY!!!!!
KPLBall: Release the Centurion
(Lights out, Prowler theme starts playing)
I-100 Centurion: Get over here, Slowly
F-14-RCF: Oh no
Jackhammer ZOV-1: RUN ITS COMING FOR US!!!!!!!
Lore Drop
F-63E is a plane built by a Imperial scientist in Naval Ops who moved to the USA after the Freedom Forces beat the Empire, so he speaks German
I literally was just commenting as you tagged me lol
@KPLBall Oh Okee
Also I tested all the aforementioned planes (excluding F-14)
At 5,000 feet, the speeds are...
-Roughly 1,000 mph for the F-33A, but the F-33D can do about 1,300 mph.
-A-40 just barely makes 1,200 mph at 5k-feet, but the speed increases with altitude, and at 30,000 feet you're lookin' closer to 1,400 mph.
-The A-14 only goes about 1,000 mph at 5,000 feet, but if in a straight, high-altitude dive (at least 25,000 feet), it can reach roughly 1,600 mph. Maybe more, but I pushed the airbrakes too soon to find out.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover oh well, I-100 is mach 2.3, while I-100-1 is mach 2.8
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Well sort of
I forgot the F-33's speed, but I'm sure at least the D-variant is faster than the F-14.
Meanwhile, the A-40 is (almost) certainly not as fast as an F-14, but significantly more agile.
And the A-14... idk XD I forgot my planes's stats.
@SPsidearm I actually agree with you on this one XD
Everytime I hear "Centurion" I think of the A41 (letter-number designation for the British Centurion)
A-40 top speed is roughly 1,200 or 1,400 (I forgor because my memory is not great), F-14 top speed is about 1,500 according to, so RCF-14 is right in that area. In terms of agility?
Nah, the A-40'd win.
@KPLBall hm. still kinda slanderous
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 this is a reference to that video, (I also based the I-100s capabilities on a combination of the F111 and F-15)
Maybe the inspiration?
@KPLBall huh, what does this have to do with fictional planes
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 just watch the SU-57 is technologicaly superior to the F-22 and you'll understand
@KPLBall ok
Gray Harrier GR.1 : I am the pinnacle of human technology!
@SPsidearm no the plane I built
Centurion As in the MBT?
@KPLBall this is just slander in general
@KPLBall This is A-40 and F-33 slander
@CrestelAeronautics also updoot?
@CrestelAeronautics exactly
Drity boots (MDA) > Crisp White Sheets (SPsidearm)
@Christiant2 yes
Su-57 Roast refrence?
@TheMouse I think F-63E is Mentally Insane, we should put him in a cage
@JABH see ya