I'm sure this is possible, I believe I've seen a few examples of it on the website already. But how do you hide a text label, i.e. turn the visibility of the text on the label on/off via an input, preferably an activation group?
I'm guessing it's something that can be done with FunkyTrees
@32 I have a similar code, the label lights up smoothly when turned on and fades out when turned off.
You can also change it with funky trees expressions to make things fade in and out, however it is a bit complicated since these specific values are the only accepted ones.
from 100% to 0% opacity:
FF CC AA 88 66 44 22 00
@SILVERPANZER if only I knew that earlier. Would have saved me a lot of pain. Thanks to you, won't have to go through that again.
@overlord5453 Yes it is possible
<color=#{Activate1? "FF0000":"0000FF"}>TANK
@SILVERPANZER i didn't know you could do that. I used to do {activator? "Text I want to see" : "nothing"}.
So does that mean you can also change color of texts like that instead of doing it the hard way?
@overlord5453 Not really, this is alpha, which is responsible for text transparency, so when turned on, text will be displayed.
Hang on, there seems to be a misunderstanding. The code I explained is {Activate1? "FF" : "00"}. I didn't read the whole thing 😅.
You can leave the "00" part as "" so nothing will show when ag-1 is deactivated.
@AWESOMENESS360 also, if you want text to show, you have to put them between "".
You don't have to do it for numbers or variables or any other outputs or inputs.
@AWESOMENESS360 in the code written by silverpanzer, when ag-1 is turned on the text "FF" will show up. If it's turned off the text "00" will show up.
<alpha=#{Activate1? "FF":"00"}>TANK TEXT
@SILVERPANZER ok so, I really kinda just don't understand how FT work at all, like idk where to put the text that I want to make disappear in the code, what else to put in said code to make it work properly, etc. All I can figure out is that "00" changes when I set Activator? to Activate1 and then use AG-1, but the code stays visible on the label
<alpha=#{Activator? "FF":"00"}>
<color=#FFFFFF{Activator? "FF":"00"}>
Activator = any AG