So I did a bad again and I confessed this thing on a college guidance counselor. I and her discussed the background of myself, why did I had bad things and how do I change.
But sorry, community.
A new path will open soon and will mark a chapter to the 'other', 'girlish' me as my current self, according to her, is beyond repair.
Sorry but I have to.
@Rb2h Yeah, I realize that, my bad
@F16xl you're being a bit too aggressive here
Stop, take a moment and quit trying to need everybody’s demands, don’t be a yes man, Get a ok grade on a test, let your daughter stay somewhere for a couple of days, take a breather, and tell everyone who is pressuring you to shut the f up
No you don’t, if you truly want, do it, but if you don’t, absolutely DO NOT
Very touchy subject here
I won't bother lol
@Graingy Playing it safe is a good idea, considering how sensitive this topic can be.
@overlord5453 hm.
Well, I’d rather play it safe, in any case.
@Graingy I personally don't see how this whole gender change thing is going to help. If they insist, I don't know.
To each their own I guess.
And incase you didn't know, they did say something about this, and we told them to seek professional help.
@overlord5453 If a person isn't sure of their gender identity, it's overall easier and more polite, I'd reckon, to just use the neutral.
@Graingy i don't understand?
@StockPlanesRemastered I might be wrong but, you don't have to be a certified therapist to be a counselor, I was suggesting that he visit a certified therapist
you do not have to.
you are in control of yourself.
Just know, no matter what you do, we still care about you
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 counselor = therapist in this context
@overlord5453 In the case of a person who isn't sure, just use "they". It isn't hard.
@Graingy he is not doing so well at the moment and he believes becoming a girl will change that.
This is a tad messily written. It's a little unclear what's going on.
What exactly is the issue?
Sounds bad, whatever the case.
Is it really what you want?
Like foxhound said, what you need is an actual therapist/psychiatric.
You might want to see a proper therapist, you do not seem happy with this at all, and while I’m no therapist or psychiatrist, I don’t think changing your gender is going is going to fix your problems, and while that’s what she said, are you happy with it, and if you aren’t, don’t change