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I upload a post as unlisted and my wifi went out

6,326 crazyplaness  6 hours ago

Basically what the title said. It said it failed or something but really it uploaded it as public without me noticing. I guess if you saw it you got a teaser of my Y-Wing.

Here’s some pics of it

I am a little behind schedule for it but I think it looks good

The paint isn’t finished and I still need to add a cockpit and more details (the bottom is lacking)

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    This happened to me once aswell. Except it was someone else's plane and I went to lunch after I shared it :(

    2 hours ago
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    27.5k 126


    4 hours ago
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    funny enough i had the same issue. accidently posted 2 aircraft and now 1 is one of my most upvoted aircraft nowadays
    here it is

    5 hours ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @crazyplaness one thing is, if you posted and forgot to set it to 'Unlisted' youre gonna just tap the 'Cancel' button
    what you didnt know is it would just keep loading and then just post it without you knowing it
    and thats the last thing you could imagine

    6 hours ago
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    6,326 crazyplaness

    @dekanii yeah it lies
    Usually it still keeps it as unlisted though when it happens to me

    +1 6 hours ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    it always happen like that
    sometimes when it just said failed it just straight up post it anyway

    6 hours ago
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    Don't worry, I've messed up before too.

    6 hours ago
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    6 hours ago
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    6,326 crazyplaness

    @OrangeConnor2 how so?

    6 hours ago
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    You're bright.

    6 hours ago
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    6,326 crazyplaness


    You weren’t supposed to see that lol

    6 hours ago