The Kraklabloan Air Force has released a statement saying one ACI-A-35\C Pengerine was scrambled to intercept an unidentified flying object. After trying to down it for 30 minutes, the Pengrine returned to Bandit Airport, but 5 minutes in, the aircraft started to pitch it’s nose down at a -90 degree angle, while violently spinning. The pilots ejected, and were picked up by an HH-60 Seahawk, while the autopilot recovered from the death spin, and safely landed. Radar scanning of the UFO were shortly lost afterwards in the Kraklabloan Sea, torwards Wright Isles
@RepublicofWrightIsles Yes please
@F16xl I sell for 100 🪙. (Discount for SSTO members)
@RepublicofWrightIsles Ohhh
That was me! I have ufos
@F16xl ok, we can use those until the purpose built one is done
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I can tag you
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 True, also my version doesn’t have boom 12’s it has Davy Crockett bombs
@F16xl yeah, but it’s still better to make a purpose built plane for it, I’ll make one that can also launch off the death whale
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Yes, but my additional guns make it a formidable dogfighter
Also that was my plane, I was testing stuff, nothing to worry about
The peregrine isn’t designed for air-to-air combat, it’s a CAS plane, I can make a plane with similar specs for air-to-air combat though
@kid1234whjd Are you able to do anymore reporting on this