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Last of em gone [S-War]

830 Imperialndustries  11 days ago

At 08:25 in the morning, SNCS Castor epotted the Retronia class Super ship Wulon. At 08:30 The Castor's sights lined up and it's frontal 19in gun fired and sunk the Wulon. The ship shuddered and then cracked and snapped into many peices.

(Picture of the Wulon after being hit by the Castor)

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    @Imperialndustries :(

    11 days ago
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    @TitanicBuff do what oh ur failure bomber?

    11 days ago
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    @Imperialndustries I didn't want to have to do this

    11 days ago
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    23.9k KPLBall

    @SPsidearm you know you've lost

    11 days ago
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    1,822 SPsidearm

    We're also recovering our abandoned vehicles, don't intervene.

    11 days ago
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    1,822 SPsidearm

    Donate me vehicles pls

    insert loading HEATFS Into an Launcher noises

    11 days ago
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    23.9k KPLBall

    @SPsidearm you have no vehicles to defend your ground forces, that's sad

    11 days ago
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    1,822 SPsidearm

    We don't need a navy.
    We have Platforms- oh wait.

    11 days ago
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    23.9k KPLBall

    See ya Relonian Empire

    11 days ago
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    11 days ago
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    Relonian Empire

    11 days ago
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