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[Siren War] Seventh Contact: Arctic Fire - Part I

49.3k ShinyGemsBro  3 months ago

== Siren War ==

Seventh Contact: Arctic Fire PART ONE

Cue music as you read (Clicky)

0600H. ER-7 Overseers circling over Snowstone detect a warp path's endpoint flaring to the north of the Arctic island's frigid waters. More than a hundred Siren combat vessels have been intercepted by the unmanned AWACS jets. The Tactical Forces Military main headquarters at Wright immediately issues a red alert combat protocol to TFM-Snowstone Command. All defenders are to gear up for a battle. Be it anti-air units on the ground, and the fighter jets on standby.

The 52nd Combat Wing scrambles it's fleet of F-22E Shadow Raptors on combat air patrols close and far from the island. With them, came the Wright Isles Republic's Snowstone garrison, and the elements of the Daughters of Lambda, who had just returned to Federation territories from battles overseas, supporting national forces in their defenses against the Siren invasion.

By those very hours, the Arctic island of Snowstone was the most heavily defended nation in the entire world; with fighter rotations changing every 30 minutes, on the clock. Ensuring that there would be combat aircraft in the air, ready to counter incoming Sirens. Vessels equipped with anti-air capabilities also maintained high alert around the island, prepared to fire missiles and shells into the sky the very moment their enemies emerged from warp travel.

Now listen to me (Clicky)

0800H. Contact.
D-8 King fighters emerged in the northern seas of Snowstone. Nearby fighter patrols race to intercept the Siren combat jets. Due to the high effectiveness of the enemy aircraft's countermeasures, long range missile hits were rendered ineffective, and dogfighting became the main form of aerial battle over the nation. However, short-range, infrared-guided missiles had limited success hitting their mark, as several fighters of the TFMGAC and Wright had scored kills with their AIM-9X Sidewinders.

But the D-15 Marauders of the Daughters of Lambda performed well to fully match the D-8 Kings in close-in dogfights. The superior maneuverability of the otherworldly allied fighters proved a near-perfect counter to the Kings, and many had been damaged in the intense initial contact just from their phaser fire alone.

Though allied resistance held firm, it couldn't cover the entire airspace of Snowstone completely. Many D-8 fighters slipped through the interceptors and flew over flak and missile fire relatively unharmed, wreaking havoc across the snowy plains and iced capped hills of the countryside. But their prime target within the territories was the heavily fortified installment of TFM-Rockbase, a special facility of the Tactical Forces Military built within the southern peaks of the nation, which was the TFM's equivalent of the United States Armed Forces' Area 51. As any would have guessed, it was attacked by the Sirens, with the intent of destroying the nationless fighting force's top-tier research and development grounds.

The strafing runs were eventually interrupted by allied fighters, providing much needed relief from the heavy bombardment. With no bigger chance in sight given the ongoing battle, TFM Rockbase Command deployed one of their experimental fighters for it's first combat test; the opportunity couldn't get better.

It's performance had far exceeded the calculated results from simulated tests. Having downed more than 14 D-8 Kings with it a single shot each from it's prototype pulse phaser gun before being forced to return to the mountain base after narrowly getting overwhelmed by their higher numbers.

Now listen to me

With the increasing intensity of the battle, transport helicopters prepared for evacuation of civilians and personnel from the hot zones took to the skies, flying in haste and formation to ferry or rescue people that are caught under the rain of fire, debris, and bolts of energy to safety under cover of allied airpower. As misfortune would have it in any conflict, the rescue squadrons did their utmost to safely get evacuees away without being noticed, but ultimately, plenty have been shot down by the D-8 fighters. With very few surviving out of miracles.

More and more Siren combat units pour into the territory of the Arctic nation as the hours of fighting drag on. It soon became clear to the Federation that one thing was very much certain: They want Snowstone. And are serious about it. Strategists, Trackers, Peace Breakers, even Busters began swarming the snowy coastlines of the island, with it's defenders ferociously spitting out hundreds of rounds, missiles, and rockets to keep them at bay. Little by little, they were getting overwhelmed, and are running out of ammunition, and manpower..

As if the stresses of the defenders haven't been high enough, Omitter made a return to Snowstone after her previous raid, and began firing her weapons at the glaciers, greatly damaging the land, and flooding lowlands surrounding them with her lasers. With the land-based forces in confusion, Siren units began moving overland.

Hearing the cries of her people and feeling the distress of the struggling defenders, The Death Goddess of Snowstone, Lunar Eclipse, had emerged from her slumber, and without second thought, took to the battlefield. For the first time in decades, her power was unleashed. The first of the Siren invaders going overland took the brunt of her reawakened fury; mowed down by the hundreds, with their blood staining the white snow of the lands.

Fighters of the 52nd Combat Wing took notice of the numbers swarming the goddess, and did all they could to water down the amount of attackers so she herself would not be overwhelmed. Despite the already desperate situation, the defenders constantly did everything to support each other in keeping Snowstone from falling to Siren hands, all the while keeping danger away from civilian lives.

For the next 5 hours, Snowstone became a grueling battleground in the Arctic circle. Fighters falling from the sky, explosions rocking land, air, and sea, communications lines congested with orders and calls for reinforcements, blood of both humans and Sirens were spilled. The defending warriors, despite losing ground, remained adamant against the rapidly degrading situation. Staying true to their mission, they were ready to fall; but not without taking their invaders with them.

Cue boss battle music

As all hope was began to dwindle, Avalanche Tower detected a warp endpoint emergence to the East of Snowstone, about 20 miles from the airbase. They knew it was a Watcher Siren warship, but it was someone they had never met before, but was all the more welcomed to have arrived in their relief:

Watcher Lambda, the much awaited Mothership of the Marauders, had at long last arrived on Earth. And was more than eager to lend a helping hand to mankind, whom she affectionately refer to as the Watcher Sirens' "dear neighbors"

From her deck, more than a hundred D-15s took off and flew together, blanketing the dark, cloudy sky with a familiar green glow; a color that had symbolized the allies mankind had received from the deep cosmos above.

With the family now in complete numbers, the Watcher Lambda commanded her children to swarm Snowstone and sweep it's lands and skies of all Hive Sirens that were within their reach, and cover the struggling defenders in order for them to regain their footing.

With Lambda's grand entrance, was also the arrival of another family member in a more murderous air.

Having seen the extent of damage done by the Arbiters and their minions, an old friend of humanity had geared herself, no longer to send a warning, but a message. A message, written in blood, and life of her own kind, as the price for harming the race she had sworn in all her honor to protect.


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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro

    @LunarEclipseSP - Her in-game model
    @Dracul0Anderson - Siren combat units

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro

    @VeroViper - Mi-25 Hind TFMGGC Snowstone
    @Pancelvonat - IJN Yamato as Watcher Theta's base
    @PUMPKINSIDD - Aircraft carrier for Watcher Lambda's base

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro

    @GuyFolk - F-22 Shadow Raptor, X-02S Strike Wyvern
    @Aghsan22 - F-15 Strike Eagle
    @hpgbproductions - AMC AQXF Aviaroid for the D-15 Marauder

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro my Battleship is ready for bombardment and tanking direct hits from enemy fire for Assisting the Earth's forces

    3 months ago
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    The Death Goddess from the Underworld is here!


    +2 3 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    3 months ago
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    12.2k RyooSensei


    3 months ago
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    I wonder who is winning

    3 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    3 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


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