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Graingy Survey: How Do You Use Alts?

35.4k Graingy  15 days ago

Alt accounts!
Side accounts to your main. They can be used for many things, some legal, some not. We're talking about legal uses here.

So, if you have one, what do you use it for?
Is it a dumping ground for failed/old/low quality craft?
Is it a glorified backup server (i.e. like the prior except not public)?
Do you use it as an alt identity to back up yourself in arguments?
Is it a place to say insane crap? (Like mine!)
Did you make it for a single joke, only to never use it again?
Something else entirely?

No, we will not be handing out treats to the cutest/best groomed alt.
Dogs. You're thinking of dogs.

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    5,642 overlord5453

    @Graingy well that's a new information. Might make an alt now that i know this.

    13 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @overlord5453 Like hell I know. I only made my alt because I needed an alt email for something. Might as well use it, eh?

    13 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @Graingy really? I thought the email needs to be varified.

    13 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @EnglishGarden you have the power

    13 days ago
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    @Graingy it needs to be put down.

    13 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @EnglishGarden Oh, that thing.

    14 days ago
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    @Graingy the goofy joint account @WrightIslesAlt

    14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @Randomplayer I'm telling the people

    14 days ago
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    14.7k Randomplayer

    @Graingy really easy to recognize, good color. I got blessed by Andrew, really.

    +1 14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @Randomplayer What's it like having your personality be purple?

    14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @Randomplayer Oh right

    14 days ago
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    14.7k Randomplayer

    My top comment says it all

    14 days ago
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    14.7k Randomplayer

    @Graingy @Granny

    14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @Randomplayer Which was yours again?
    I can never keep track...

    14 days ago
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    14.7k Randomplayer

    I used it for multiple jokes

    14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @Boeing727200F Platinum, no.

    14 days ago
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    Hey ummm I might make an alt account for like a social experiment.
    Post a single mediocre aircraft with something along the lines of
    “Hello SimplePlanes! New user here!”
    And see how long it takes to hit platinum.

    14 days ago
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    Thinking about it I might make an alt for shits and giggles
    Idk, forgot the password for my main already.

    14 days ago
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    @Graingy In fact this is true

    14 days ago
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    35.4k Graingy

    @overlord5453 What? No!
    The site is completely separate from the game. They have no connection whatsoever so far as registration goes. There is a population here who got their account before getting the game. @TheUltimatePlaneLover you apply, right?

    14 days ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    Used to be a dumping grounds of bad things, literally now a dumping ground for anything old and anything I didn’t post on my main 4 to 5 years ago.

    14 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @TheMouse thanks

    14 days ago
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    57.6k TheMouse

    @overlord5453 @Graingy
    To create an alt, just log out, and create a new account. You can reuse the same email if you add periods in between a letter, like this: becomes and can then be reused. (Emails shown are not mine)
    Just remember how it is set up with the dots, otherwise you can lose it.

    +1 14 days ago
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    3,116 Solent19

    i have 2 alts, both of them used once for [redacted] and then never again

    14 days ago
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    16.1k BYardley

    I'll make one to give challenge rewards.

    +1 14 days ago
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