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[ Teaser ] Final Procedures.

59.8k ZeroWithSlashedO  4 months ago
Fictional Light Combat Aircraft - T/F-44B Cendrawasih

Hey, been a while since I've given any progress updates on the T/F-44B. Since the aircraft is on it's last finishing touches, I'd say why not give an update for one last time.

Spoiler alert:
I did a lot of stuff. So much so I'm kinda confused on where to start. That being said, let's begin from the minor things first.

First and foremost, I've improved the afterburner effects. It now has 3 colors instead of just 2, but honestly I'm not sure if I like it more than the previous one. I've also corrected the nozzle shape, in that it's converge-diverge positions more closely resemble to the F414 it supposed to represent.

Next on the list, camouflage! It's kinda rare for me to do any camouflaging because my old device would lag a lot. But now that I have a much better device, I can put camoes on an aircraft with a detailed cockpit!
Little trivia, the camouflage itself was inspired by the USAF F-15C color schemes.

And last, the cockpit. By far the toughest frontier for me, just because I get lost on what to have on these things. The left/right consoles are mostly empty due to part saving measures, but some include switches for several things, like selective jettison and internal/external light management.

The current plan is to finalize the HUD and the HMCS for both seats, and spice in the front panels a little bit more. The cockpit itself is heavily based off of the F-15E Strike Eagle.

That's about all I can share for the time being, I plan to release this somewhere around the weekend or next week, but no promises.

I am getting a whopping 15fps out of this thing
