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Battle for Windmill farm

4,290 Lake  5 months ago


It's the year 2035, a few months after the Armed Forces of Maywar resurfaced, a relatively large portion of rebels which consists surviving Krakabloan Troops from the Liberation of Maywar Island, still controls the southwestern part of the island, one of which, is the Windmill Farm. A plan to rid the rebels from the windmills was formed, but on the first week of the siege, the Maywarians realized this conflict will take longer that expected

Opening attack

On June 2, 2035, a Maywarian Hellkeska bombarded a radio stations, PARTIALLY cutting off their communication, however, the original plan was bomb 2 radio stations, but the anti-aircraft systems had other plans, but following the bombardment, the Royal Airborne Division of the Maywar Infantry Corps entered on the area of operations through air insertion with APCs and small light tanks by a Volksian Heavy Industries C-135,