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I think I didn't pass...

5,635 Rb2h  6 days ago
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    0 Narod2

    You want to join our party, again?

    4 days ago
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    5,635 Rb2h

    @Narod2 OH not you again

    +2 6 days ago
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    0 Narod2

    You can pass it only if you join to our party today.
    All eyes on Narodoparti!

    6 days ago
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    33.9k CaptainNoble

    lol, do people even pass these?

    6 days ago
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    Eh, small small chance you didn't pass....

    6 days ago
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    5,600 overlord5453

    There is a possibility that you didn't pass.

    6 days ago
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    yeah, you didnt pass

    6 days ago
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    27.8k 126


    +2 6 days ago