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[S-War] The Defense Of Wright (OFFICIAL)

71.1k TheUltimatePlaneLover  3 months ago

I'm so tired...

No seriously, this was a dusk mission. Our pilots and planes deserve all the rest they get.

Sorry for the wait, I was daunted by the idea of fetching so many images from Gravatar. Team Gravatar, if you're reading this, please make photos in chronological (or at least manually arrangeable) order! Anyways, earlier this month, SPSidearm spoke of a force, 2,500 planes strong, coming to invade Wright. With massive planning from MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26, a counterattack was planned. It was risky, but the plans were laid out.

Now let the Defense of Wright begin.

Why have both of the S-War's biggest battles so far been about invasions on Wright Airport lol, y'all need bigger and better interests.

Hour 16 (4:00 PM)

Setting: M49A3-C Shock, nicknamed "Volt," is silently observing the world around him. He knows that this interlude that is sunset will be the only quiet he gets tonight. After processing what's happening- but more importantly what's to come- he turns to his comrades.
Volt: Is everyone ready?
Fallout: The hangars have been reinforced and are occupying our units. Everyone should be safe.
Volt: Good. Don't want any collateral- or intentional- damage.

TVMX-155: Broski, you're worrying too much about this. I've got some popcorn in the cooker and soda in the fridge, come get some and enjoy the light show.
Volt: Thanks, but I prefer blood.
TVMX-155: I'm sorry, what?
Volt: Nevermind.
TVMX-155: Uh... ok... Why do I have the feeling that something is being foreshadowed here...

AMX-10M: Toi et moi sommes très différents, TVMX. Pendant que vous prépariez vos collations de guerre, j'ai décidé de préparer un bunker... DANS MON BUNKER ! Voyons les RCE surmonter la seule chose plus puissante que leur habitude de perdre des relations !

Translation: You and I are very different, TVMX. While you were getting your warsnacks ready, I decided to prepare a bunker... IN MY BUNKER! Let's see the RCE get through the only thing more powerful than their habit of losing relationships!

TVT-FT: Are you always gonna insult people's relationships?
AMX-10M: C'est la seule chose que je puisse insulter, étant donné que la plupart d'entre vous sont fauchés dans presque tous les aspects et n'ont rien d'autre à se soucier.

Translation: It's the only thing I can insult, being that most of you are broke in almost all aspects with nothing else to care about.

TVT-FT: Well, you just insulted my wallet, thanks.
Volt: Guys, focus. They're here.

Insert dramatic RCE music or somethin' here.

Stinger 1: Stinger 1, checking in, let's blow this place to the ground!
Baguette 4: Baguette 4 online, how many dead tanks is too many dead tanks?
Tabby 3: Eh, beats me, Baguette fo- WOAH! HOLY COW!!
Stinger 1: Tabby 3, what just happened?!
Tabby 3: Stinger 1, Stinger 2 just exploded!

Stinger 1: What?! All units check in, we're being attacked!
Baguette 2: Wait, but aren't we attacking them, Stinger 1?
Stinger 1: It's a counterattack, Baguette 2! Scramble and fight back!

Baguette 5: They're on our six! Turn around!
Stinger 7: What're you talking about?! They're on our twelve!
Baguette 5: WHAT?!

Cipher 1: Haha upgraded SK-3 go brrrr
Lancer 3: Alright, they're noticing us, all units prepare to engage.
Cipher 2: Got it, and try not to overroll again, Lancer 3.
Lancer 3: Hey! I barely even scratched that civilian airliner, Cipher 2!
Cipher 2: Sure thing buddy, sure thing.

Lancer 1: Got'em. One Harrier down.
Firebird 6: One's not enough! Get more!
Lancer 1: Maybe you should get it instead?
Firebird 6: Wha- Oh shoot!
Firebird 6 launches flares and near-misses an RCE F-14
Lancer 1: See?
Firebird 6: Yeah! I see him, I see him! Engaging in dogfight!


Knight 3: Ah, Warthogs and Harriers galore. Oh- there's another one.
Knight 5: This is surprisingly easy for a force of 2,500 planes.
Knight 3: Don't jinx it.
Firebird 7: No, no, he has a point.

Firebird 7: Just got another kill.
Knight 2: I'm strugglin' over here. These guys are at least fightin' back, you know!

Firebird 7: I'll get him off of you. Just a missile...

Perspective pan again

Nova 5: A400 down.

Nova 5: Why are they even flying those things in a warzone?
Blade 2: I heard they're full of explosives.
Nova 5: Doesn't sound impossible, and I'm not just talking about theories.
Blade 2: Either way, let's find out!

A400 shot down.

Perspective shift

Ghidorah 2: Blasting music
Nova 1: He- hey! Who authorized Super Hydras in this airspace?

Blade 5: Hopefully TUPL? Anyways just got another kill. Man, no wonder we still use these ol' F-33s.
Ghidorah 2: Nah I'm just watching, fam. Continue.
Nova 1: ...ok?

Nova 1 proceeded to shoot down another aircraft. Nova 1 was the highest-scoring of the five Hypernovas.

Cipher 5: Hornet down! Fast and loud!
Firebird 1: Huh?
Cipher 5: Couldn't think of a good rhyme.

Stinger 1: ...How are we alive.
Baguette 4: Don't ji-
Lancer 3: I'll pay for it later, mate.

Hour 17 (5:00 PM)

The F-33A continues to attack.

Lancer 4: And that's another one down.
Firebird 1: I swear, the MDA got an OP spawn.

Lancer 6: We certainly did. Another one bites the dust, boys.

Foulke 2: Anyone need heavy support?
Lancer 1: TK-3! Finally!
Foulke 2: Indeed we are! These guys will be n- BANG
Lancer 1: Foulke 2? FOULKE 2?
Foulke 2: We're alright! We accidentally hit our wing against a Hornet! We're gonna land!
Firebird 6: Bud, you are not landing with a hole in your left wing.
Lancer 3: I don't think that's a hole, mate.

By some miracle, the TK-3 was able to land without crew casualties, but the aircraft was "retired" for the battle, and will need repairs.

Lancer 3: Well, that could've been a lot wor- WOAH!

Near misses an F-14
Calico 9: Watch out buddy. You're in the danger zo-
Lancer 3: Shush.

Rampage 2: Nice one, Lancer 3. I just got my third win without any flares.

Lancer 5: Why doesn't the ACI-A-94 have flares anyway?
Rampage 1: I dunno.

Wait. What's this? The ACI-F-15 and RCE-F-15 are going head to head!

This is intense... only one can remain! Who will be the victor in this ferocious battle? FIND OUT NEXT!!

Oh he just spammed missiles. I was expected a little more of a climactic ending than that.

Hour 18 (6:00 PM)

Stormer 1: This is Stormer 1, checking in, sunset's clear, but the skies are still full, let's make that the thing of the past.

Several ACI aircraft protected Wright during the defense operation, the ACI-A-204 shown here being just one.

Omega 4: Harrier inbound for Wright! I'm intercepting!

The ACI-A-94 was likely one of the best ACI aircraft used here, thanks to its high agility and powerful gun.

Omega 4: Ahk! Got him but he's not going down! And he's firing a missile, of course...
Omega 4 rolled to dodge the missile, then shot his own gun, critically damaging the Harrier.

Omega 4: Splash one, RCE Harrier!

A nice flyover of quiet because why not.

ACI-A-102 flying overhead.

ACI-A-204 follows suit.

Nonstop 3: Sun's down boys. Stay safe.

Hour 19 (7:00 PM)

Less of dialogue, more of commentary.

Same FT-3G shown earlier. The FT-3 was credited for 2 kills and an assist.

The F-200 Reaver, albeit a light fighter, continues to resist RCE forces in the waning sunlight.

An FA-31 Ballistic II fights against RCE aircraft, specifically a Rafale.

Close pass!

The A-13s were counterattackers, shooting down attack aircraft aiming for Wright instead of enemy fighters.

An FT-4 attempts to dodge enemy fire. Will he make it? We don't know. Maybe?

The 92-year-old TFA-1 T.44 goes head to head with an F-14 Tomcat... talk about an uptier.

Surprisingly, the TFA-1 is actually more agile, and speed isn't an issue with the F-14 on the aggressive, but the issue is that the Monsoon can't see in the dark... we dangit we forgot to upgrade optics!!

Night's falling, guys. It's your time to shine.

Hour 20 (8:00 PM)

A green glow over the ocean...

If it isn't the CFA-44! Said fighter was a true night ace, scoring 13 wins and 5 assists.

The FA-32B chases after enemy fighters.

F-200 drops flares in front of the moon. This guy is really fighting his hardest, huh?

An FI-90 blows through an A400.

Now he climbs to the cosmos. I'm not gonna lie, he was based on the XF-90, but from this angle he looks like a Hawker Hunter. Or the Hawker Hunter looks like the XF-90...

ACI-UAV 2.0 diving onto some Hornets out of frame.

A laser catwalk is the perfect glow up for this guy!

Overpowered cannons, or a cosmic anime attack? Both!

The A-40D now has invisible flak tracers, not for any practical reason, but because it makes it look like the explosions just materialized out of thin air, which is both terrifying yet awesome at the same time.

Look closely; Not all of these stars are stars, but embers.

An A400 and Harrier circling Wright... and then the A-40D showed up.

The A-40D fires its cannons at the Harrier. RiP British VTOL guy. The A400 was surprisingly spared, but was forced to surrender and be captured at Wright Airport.

Just remember, this is one of 7,000 A-40Ds, and he didn't even use his missiles today.

I had over 100 tabs open in the making of this, and my tiredness is immeasurable. Please enjoy this or my sleeplessness was for naught.



MDA Allies:
@Marulk (allied supplier of the MDA, specifically with the Hsiang drones and Soko J-20 Kragujs)
@JABH (manufacturer)
@Boeing727200F (builder of the F-13Q and A-19, as well as several other aircraft and weapons utilized by the MDA)
@Noname918181818181818181 (maker of the freaking epic Lagwing)

I know the said vehicles aren't here but I'm giving credits anyways.

@TitanicBuff (Formerly)
@JSTQ (Loosely)

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    I ran out of energy and forgot to put Skywolf 3.0 in Hour 20, but he was there and shot down quite a few planes.

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    My energy is an A-14 without airbrakes: perpetually diving.
    But at the same time... It turned out so well!

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm


    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm Also, I only allow you to conduct your own research and do not allow any theft

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm However, the video explanation is limited to the Chinese Internet. I am unable to post videos on the internet.

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    Up to you.
    If you do, I'll be VERY Annoying. (jk)

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm I have already planned to open source, will I prevent this?

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    To prevent Ripoff systems?

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm ? wdym

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    Did you Pattern it's Guidance system?

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @SPsidearm To be honest, I will release the first official version on the official website and establish ETSF in a few hours. This missile is actually very simple. Unlike most FT missiles, it uses a gyroscope for control, so the threshold is extremely low. I will even publish the manufacturing tutorial on the Chinese Internet (not here because it is blocked by invisible walls)
    Really, his calculation formula is so simple that he hasn't even used advanced mathematics. Just a regular Cartesian coordinate system.

    3 months ago
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    @SPsidearm @JSTQ
    Yeah, this sounds sus.... concrete-poured model good.

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm If it's just for the museum, let me give you a concrete poured model

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I knew it was like this. So I rejected him from the beginning.
    However... This would be similar to the Soviet Union obtaining engines from Britain.

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    Bro just pls let me get it
    Its for museum purposes

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    Basically, Inert is a dummy round. Like this example, a Empty missile (has it's components but no warhead)

    3 months ago
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    @SPsidearm @JSTQ
    Idk know Inert is, but more importantly I'm not sure why I would be approving of the transaction? Unless this is like Russia getting the MiG-15 engines or somethin'

    3 months ago
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    4,088 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I asked him to ask, but I didn't expect him to actually ask.

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    We wanna get permission to buy an Inert FT-MSL from JSTQ
    I say Inert. It's gonna go on the museum. Can we?

    3 months ago
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    6,070 SPsidearm

    we bought an imperative

    3 months ago
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    @Graingy You're right, it's for cinema

    3 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics That reference too XD

    3 months ago
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    37.6k Graingy

    Geminus almighty, man, this ain't for marks!

    3 months ago
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    I just realized the,”you got a hole in your left wing!”

    3 months ago
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    The Foulke callsign XD
    Also I didn't realize it when giving the indentification, but the plane with the callsign Foulke flew with One wing

    3 months ago
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